III: Trusted by the Gods

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"What just happened!" Maya yelled. She looked like she was about to have a breakdown, Alessa couldn't blame her.

"Monster attack." Percy shrugged. He pulled out a bar of chocolate from some where and started eating, causing Alessa to just roll her eyes at the boy's nerve to act nonchalant.

"V, come sort out your boyfriend." Austin shouted up to the person that had been perched above them on the fire escape. The said figured lept down just as Alessa turned to look at her. Maya gasped as they both recognised their friend, Victoria. Alessa was surprised to find out she was a demi-god, which lead her to her next question. Grover? He must've also had some connection to the Gods. He knew Victoria, a demi-god, Percy, a demi-god, and the man who attacked them, Kieran who was also a demi-god.

Victoria strode straight past and glared at Austin.

"He's not my boyfriend!" She said as she went to join the group. There was silence for a couple seconds until it was punctured by a very loud Maya Hawthorne.

"What's happening?" She yelled. "Someone please explain!"

"Okay, first of all please stop shouting." Percy asked her. When she agreed to stop shouting he continued. "Now usually you would get this introduction at Camp but well I'm guessing you're not going to be able to wait that long."

"You got that right, handsome." Maya said rolling her eyes. She had the natural urge to flirt with everything and anyone, an urge that slightly annoyed Alessa, though on this occasion she ignored it, instead focusing on what Percy said. Camp? Camp Jupiter? She subconsciously moved her hand to rest on her legion mark. The others were missing theirs as far as she could tell. Unless they were rogue demi-gods and had their own encampment nearby.

"The Greek Gods exist." And those four words threw Alessa's thought track completely. Greek? Greek? Sure that explained the name Perseus she instantly realised, but it still confused her. At the same time, it made her alert and on her toes. Greeks. The Romans and Greeks didn't really get along very well back in the ancient times, and the thought of 'treacherous graceus scum' still scared some of the senate members to this day. Alessa had some unresolved issues with the Greeks, her entire family tree almost being wiped out on several occasions by them according to the Arivina Family Book that dated back to ancient Rome. The gravity of the quest suddenly hit her with full force. Greek Gods, meaning, Greek Demi-gods, and maybe as well, a Greek Camp. That meant she was the first Roman Demi-god alive to know of the existence of the Greeks. The Olympian Council had chosen her to make this discovery. She was trusted by the Gods to undertake this quest. Why? She could only wonder.

"The Greek Gods exist. Monsters also exist. And if you know anything about Greek Mythology you know they had heroes to fight the monsters right? Some were mortal and well, sometimes some were half-god, or Demi-gods as we are called. Everyone here aside from Grover is a demi-god."

Maya's face was the epitmy of pure shock. It was the look where you believe someone but are so surprised by the news it froze the workings of your face. You could almost here the cogs in her brain moving trying to compute the information she had just received.

"A-a demi-god? I'm a demi-god?" Maya questioned. "But my parents are human."

"Remember how you told us about your dad not being there? How you never met him?" Victoria asked, Maya just nodded. "Well if my knowledge of how babies are made is correct, then he has to be a God as your mum is mortal."

"I'm sorry are you saying my father is a God?" The shock had turned to sheer disbelief, a feeling Alessa too felt but for different reasons.

"Yes. Most likely he is one of the seven Olympian Gods. Either Hermes, Apollo, Dionysius, Ares, Hephaestus or," Victoria stopped herself and used her fingers to count before continuing. "Scratch that, one of those five as Zeus and Poseidon can't have kids, neither can Hades."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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