II: The Destroyer

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From the moment she stepped foot in Locke she knew it would be a very rough time. Having spent all her life in New Rome, Alessa never had the experience of a mortal schoolgirl. She was anxious, extremely anxious. She had to change her behaviour, as she knew she wouldn't fit in with them as she was a demi-god. In fact, she didn't know how to act, she didn't know if demi-gods were completely different from mortals. The only ones she had ever met had been intergrated into New Rome, meaning they acted like Romans. Normal mortals however, could have been entirely different. So she acted exactly how she thought they would be. She had no clue if it would be the same environment as it would be in New Rome's Schools, or if a mortal school was exactly how it was in the movies. She was both extremely happy and mortified when she discovered that Locke was indeed, as seen on TV. The happiness stemmed from the confidence she had in herself and the fact she knew how to beat the system and survive. The mortifiying part, was that it was exactly how it was portrayed in the movies. Jocks, popular girls, geeks and the rest.

The moment she walked in the door, she met Grover Underwood. Grover was, odd, to say the least, a mystery. It wasn't the way he tried eating cans or the unnatural speed he possess for someone on crutches. No, it was his smell. She couldn't pinpoint it, but it was oddly familiar, like Camp Jupiter. He came to the school a month before Christmas and ended up being Alessa's guide when she arrived herself. She also picked up a friend in one Maya Hawthorne. Maya was part of the popular girls, meaning Alessa instantly hated her. But when Grover revealed that they were friends and introduced them to each other, Alessa learnt that Maya was actually a great person. The face, in this case, didn't tell the full story. Alessa immediately bonded with the jocks, joining them and becoming friends with the girls that were apart of the group. Maya stook with her friends, and Grover was an addition to either group, choosing between the groups alternatively on days when the trio weren't together.

After school, they hung out. Every day. Usually it was at Alessa's new home, which Grover had so kindly got her residence at. When Alessa first came, she had no where to stay, and when Grover asked where she lived she couldn't help but tell the truth. I'm homeless actually right now. So Grover, being a great friend, somehow had her a place to stay by the end of the school day. She was to live at Grover's best friend's house, who was currently at a Military school in the state of Maryland. So it was just her and Ms Jackson, or Sally as she instisted the Daughter of Bellona call her.

Sally was incredibly kind and caring from then moment Alessa entered the apartment, she instantly became her mom, something the girl was grateful for as couldn't refuse if she wanted to. Sally had in a way become her best friend and mother figure very quickly. She also suspected that Sally knew her true identity. She learnt early on that the woman was very talkative, especially after a glass of wine. The girl basically knew her whole life story at this point. Everything from her parents dying in a plane crash when she was young to her son's father and his troublemaker antics.

It was when she was tipsy that she ended up dropping accidental hints regarding her knowledge about the gods, which if going off the amount that she accidentally said, was alot. Alessa was also convinced that Sally's son, Percy, had connections to the Gods. She figured that out on the first day she met him.

It was a Saturday, Sally's birthday, and Grover was doing whatever Grover does, which meant it was left to Sally, Maya, Victoria and her to hang out for the day. Sally never worked Saturday's, and Saturday had become girl's night. At first it was just Alessa and Sally, then Maya joined a couple weeks later and finally Victoria Cross, a British girl a year older than the girls that Grover had introduced to them. They had been shopping with Victoria paying, who was apparently very rich.

Sally seemed over the moon and uncomfortable both at the same time as she was able to afford things she never could before. Originally she refused but Victoria insisted on it as it was the older woman's birthday after all. So after that they went home and decided to celebrate. It was about 7 in the afternoon when the door bell rang. Sally was visibly upset throughout the day that she wouldn't be able to see her son on her birthday. So when she opened the door to reveal the face of Percy Jackson, she crushed her son with a hug, tears slightly wetting the boy's shoulder.

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