Chapter Four: Slave Girl

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Dedicated to Stars-vs-Chocolates for being so paitent with me while I've been so lazy.

Chapter Four: Slave Girl

She wasn't sure exactly how the rest of the night went. But Helga remembered Malakas parting ways with her at her room, then tossing and turning on her bed. Her right foot still ached at night, since it was the foot she still dragged it made sense... But, to her at least, it seemed like she had just closed her eyes when sounds outside her room startled her awake.

Inwardly she groaned, it was barely light outside, once upon a time she had gotten up this earlier, perhaps even earlier, without complaint. But despite all her improvement, she wasn't totally functional yet, and sleep was still something she desperatly needed to catch up on. Not to mention she had barely slept the whole trip to this forsaken place. As a lieutenant, one of the only officers that had survived the attack on the sub, she needed to keep watch. Keep thing organized, set the days travel plans...

Rourke, never bothered, leaving her to do it, saying that he was a more of a 'tactical' planner, and that she needed to pull her weight to prove herself... A lot of good that had done.

Before Helga could brood anymore Natala parted the cloth and walked into the room. The mild surprise on her face told Helga that the old woman hadn't expected to find her here come morning.

"I trust you slept well?" She asked simply, giving her a nod.

"Fine." Helga answered, not looking the woman in the eyes.

Instead of saying anything Natala simply shook her head and seemed to study her for a moment.

"Come, you must be taken to the palace, to the Queen." With that she left, Helga grudgingly following on her heels, Malakas was no where to be seen, but his sister was, standing at a table, she seemed to be baking.

"I shall take her to the queen. We will finish when I return." Natala said to her daughter. The girl simply nodded her head, turning back to her work without a word. As they walked past Helga stumbled a little, her head snapped back and she was almost positive that she saw the girl retract her foot quickly.

But Helga had almsot no time to act on it, as she followed Natala out of the house. Despite the early hour many villagers were already up and about. Some fishing, others beginning to work on their respective trades.

Helga kept her head down as they walked, not even watching where they were going. Because of this she nearly smacked straight into the older woman, and then she realized, they were at the doors of the palace.

"I leave you now. The Queen will be expecting you." She said simply, giving Helga a small push forward. She hesitated at the door, once she walked through she wouldn't be her own person anymore. She would belong to someone else, and that as something she needed to force herself to accept.

Slowly Helga pushed the doors open and walked inside, it was the same as it had been yesterday, even though there were less guards.

Oddly enough the young queen was not reclining on her throne as Hega expected her to be. In fact it seemed almost deserted. A guard came up looking her over with an expression she guessed every person must give her. The man remained silent, but motioned for her to follow him. He took her around the back of the throne to reveal a small, partially closed off room. There standing on a low stool stood the Queen of Atlantis. She seemed to be hanging something up, when she turned looking almost pleased by their entrance into the room.

"Oh!" She said, getting down and walking over. The guard shoved Helga sharply in the back with his spear, causing her to fall over in a kneeling positon. Kida frowned and spoke what sounded like a word of dismissal to the guard in their native tounge.

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