~Story 1~ Running

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Running- Something you find yourself doing alot in my position. You know the normal running away from guards from a foundation that holds dangerous and world ending anomaly's.Still wondering how I am even alive...Oh well no time to think! Wait now that I think about it,How have I not been shot yet.Last time I checked I am not the best at dogeing.

God how long have I been running in the woods for.''I think I finally lost them-'' After awhile of resting under a tree suddenly I have a feeling of somebody watching me. I look around seeing nobody but trees and some ants eating an apple that fell off a tree.I get up and start walking around hopeing that the guards just gave up and went back to the foundation."Great- I'm going crazy." After coming to the conclusion that nothing was there I just walked out of the woods to go find my car.

~A few days later~

"Hm- Looks like I have to go shopping." I said looking at the empty bag of Dumplings food. I walked over to the kitchen counter to grab my wallet. Looking over at the wall I see the little note from my sister Leila saying 'Feed Dumpling' with a little drawing of Dumpling and 'Water the plants' with a drawing of a plant on it.I didn"t even want to look at the calaender.So many times I just want to rip that thing off the wall.Everytime I look at it the more it reminds me that I told her to go on that trip,that it would be a crime to miss out on it.And now I have almost died multiple times,My sister is stuck in that damn foundation,And I am being hunted down by that damn foundation.I walked out of the buliding thinking about what I could have done to prevent all of this.

I walked into the store and walked over to the pet section.Dumpling is picky about there food.I found the bird food and started to walk over to find Dumpling's food.The store was empty...To be fair its not a very popular store but its more empty then it normally is.I looked over to see a person who for some reason looked familiar.I didn''t want to seem creepy you know a guy with a mask just staring at a random guy,So I just went back to looking for Dumpling's food.I after awhile I found it but i couldn''t shake off the feeling that I know that guy.I just walked away to go pay for the food.

After feeding Dumpling I went over to my desk to go research some new scps.After awhile my mind went back to the guy at the store I  saw.Maybe they were an old friend? No... Any old friends I have had moved away ages ago.Then I realized who it was- A foundation agent...One of them that has being trying to kill me.Have they been spying on me? Thats not good- Should I move? What should I do? Thoughts raced in my head trying to figure out what to do.I knew something was watching me in the woods a few days ago.I decided to stay since they have not gone to far yet.But if they try anything I should move away quickly.Oh well whats the worse that could happen.

Storys Behind a Mask~     Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang