Stella Spacey 🆚️ [BOSS] Suzanne

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The last match in the Redemption Round, the magenta haired space cadet stepped into the platform, armed and ready to fight the boss.

Suzanne entered into the platform, her red eyes focused on her opponent. She was excited, but the vampire didn’t show it. 
She was the boss. Not Trevor!
Oh, and she was half asleep.
Vampires do need their sleep, and her prey had been particularly unwilling to die.
Suzanne yawned as if it was nothing (her sleepiness was actually something). In fact, her brain was whizzing.
OH YEAH! Trevor can chew on THAT for free! Enjoy Flamefury showing YOU!
She analyzed Stella.
Her head shot up to find Micah. Is she holding that blasted thing?
Instead, her eyes caught Trevor. Who was pointedly staring only at Stella, refusing to acknowledge that the vampire had bested him this round.
Shadow and the gang were laughing their heads off, hanging on to each other so that they wouldn’t fall below. 
Are they laughing at ME?!
Suzanne bristled. She faced Stella, attempting to smirk and yawn at the same time. 
I HATE not sleeping enough.
She cocked her head cheekily and lashed her tail, curling it into the Squad’s equivalent of an offensive sign.
Aimed at Trevor, since Stella wouldn’t understand it.
Suzanne heard the Squad’s laughter multiply, but focused on Stella, waiting.

Stella took out the gun from her holster and deliberately shot at the black muscular Indoraptor vampire hybrid. Fortunately she dodged the blast by an inch, recalling Micah's blast. 
No way am I turning into an alien golem again.

The airheaded alien cowgirl kept shooting with her galactic gun, as fiery blasts shot out from the weapon while Suzanne let out a forcefield.
Stella threw a pocket-sized destabilizer, its appearance akin to a cleaning laundry pod as it landed on the forcefield. Flickering out like a lightbulb, it didn't help that Suzanne got cranky when she got drowsy.

Stella shot Suzanne, the vampire hybrid felt the sting of the blast, similar to a scalding blast from one of Blue's fireballs, minus the second degree burns. 
NO!!! Then she looked at arms and legs, still a vampire. Oh, silly me. I can’t die anymore. I’m so SLEEPY.
She let out a sigh of relief, before she felt many more acid blasts. Suzanne hissed and pulled out of her long black cloak the exact same gun as Stella was carrying. She returned equally well once she was used to the new weapon.

Trevor squinted at Stella, scrutinizing her and her get-up. Then craned his neck to look at Bary, "is she really threatened by that twig?"
Bary smirked and adjusted her huge glasses, “I don’t know, what do you think?” She nudged Spino, and they went off into gales of laughter.
Trevor hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me about the boss position?”
“If you had gone to the stadium sooner, you would've gotten a spot, ya big dummy." Blue returned, waving the V.I.P. pass at him.
“Butttt,” whined Trevor.
“I hope you bust some butts,” Verdauga said.
“She better,” added Shadow. “At least we save on blood when Suzanne’s in the arena.”
Trevor scowled. “Stop talking about her.”
Blue began baiting him, giggling happily. Ripper joined. They were probably the best, second only to Verdauga, at annoying something.

The red eyed Izarian pressed on the charge button for her gun to load on the blast, the galactic gun whirred and radiated an orange hue as the light of the blast grew while Suzanne shot multiple blasts, missing on the moving target. Stella dodged them as she ran in a zigzag, some of the spectators were getting bored of the neon gun tag. The platform released a bevy of drones hovered in the air as they shot indiscriminately at the combatants.

"What's the meaning of this!? I'm the boss here." Suzanne screeched before Stella shot a charged blast at Suzanne's dark cloak, a luminescent orange residue burnt off the cloak, revealing the vampire's thigh. "Rude!" Suzanne had to run, to dodge the shots that came from the drones. 

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