University Of Calcutta II

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Ronobir Chatterjee - the heartthrob of UOC was not in good health. He was facing what was facing a medical condition where high levels of dopamine and norepinephrine are released making him giddy, energetic, and euphoric but at the same time with a decreased appetite and insomnia – which means you are so smitten that you can't eat and can't sleep. The well-established self-obsessed casanova could not help himself but be obsessed with those hazel blue eyes. It seemed as if his well-balanced life was suddenly struck by a hurricane leaving him with nothing but debris. Nothing seems the same anymore. 

According to his Dida  an early morning walk is all that it takes to begin a day with clarity and a fresh mind. But yeah when did the normal rules ever apply to - The Ronobir Chatterjee. It was all normal, he was having his 'me and the nature time' carelessly walking by the park a bit tad disappointed about the lack of young females to prey on with his charm. He loved how effortlessly every woman was swooned by his charm while he remains unaffected. If only he knew how it was all about to change... His senses were alarmed as if in reflex when he saw her petite form stumble and his arms acted on their own accord. All he remembers now are those eyes that bewitched him and that soft 'Thanks'.

There was something familiar about those eyes, about her voice.... Her!!! Really?? When did it happen? How could he let this happen? The Ronobir Chatterjee affected by a woman !! That too someone he barely knew!! No.. he needed to get over this, to distract himself.  Determined he left for his second home - his College.

The mere breeze of the college air was soothing, it always was but today he couldn't understand why there was more to it as if they wanted to convey him something. The University Of Calcutta - his dream college stood beaming before him as he entered the campus as the Student President realizing how next year this wouldn't be his home anymore. The last two years flashed before his eyes. His trance was broken by Omi calling him for the orientation program for the freshers. "That's great. I'll stay occupied " he heaved in relief only to find his eyes locked yet again by those familiar hazel orbs..... 

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