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He walked captivated as if under a spell. His legs were in auto function mode and he was just tagging along, the only thing he was able to process was the voice... Her voice.

Yes, He knew it was her before entering the hall. He had sensed it the moment she began singing, even before his eyes rested on that angelic figure on stage. It felt as if his entire life had taken a reboot after the morning. The Ronobir Chatterjee whose life was always happening, who had a hundred things running was now stuck. Stuck around a certain someone whose eyes, voice, and even a mere shadow seem to have that frightening influence over him. When he saw her for the first time in college despite meeting her in the dark he recognized and he knew from her face that she did too. But then she disappeared into the crowd making him wonder if he had imagined her presence. There was something about her that was so familiar, something that connected him. And Ronobir Chatterjee never waited for circumstances, he created them. 

The morning crowd of UOC saw their president going on stage to pull out a fresher girl to walk with him....

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