Chapter Three: Oblivion

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October 31 2012

Daniel and Melina were watching another movie as he wrapped one arm around her as she smiled at him and kissed his cheek as both of them continued watching the movie. They were watching the movie as Daniel got up from the couch as he went to the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge as he asked Melina if she wanted a drink and she said "Yes". He went to the fridge to grab pepsi until the couple heard a knock on the door as they looked at each other.

Melina: I wonder who that is?

Daniel gave the pepsi can to Melina as he walked towards the door and opened it as it was Sheriff West.

David: Hey Daniel.

Daniel: Sheriff West, It's good to see you.

David: You too Daniel, How are you?

Daniel: I'm doing alright, What's the matter David?

David: Is Melina there?

Daniel replied with a "Yes" as he called Melina as she got up from the couch and walked towards the main door as she saw David.

Melina: Sheriff West, Is everything alright?

David: Not Exactly.

Daniel: What's the matter?

David: Mayor Irons sent a team of firefighters and officers to a ghost town known as Redrum. They haven't responded back and I'm worried about them

Melina: That's not good at all.

David: Your right about that. I already told Irons not to send anyone to that town but he didn't listen to me.

Suddenly Daniel, Melina and David looked at the sky as they noticed lightning began to flash as they were looking at it.

Suddenly Daniel, Melina and David looked at the sky as they noticed lightning began to flash as they were looking at it

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David tried to speak to them but strong wind began to blow on them as they looked at each other.

Daniel: Weather's going crazy.

Melina: No kidding.

David: Right. Like I was saying, You two can come with me to Redrum and check up on them.

Daniel: We'll come with you.

Melina: Let's hope they're alright.

David: Let's hope so too.

Daniel and Melina went back inside the house as David was waiting for them.

Daniel grabbed his pistol and combat knife while Melina grabbed her revolver and stun gun. Both of them were ready as they exited the house as David looked at them.

David: Let's go now.

The Trio began walking as lightning continued to flash as they saw the sheriff's car as they were walking towards it until they noticed two people standing near the car as they saw who it was.

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