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B- did we interrupt something
R- uh, no not at all
D- de todos modos, y/n te tengo algo
Y- no tenías que traerme nada danny

he pulled out a necklace that said my name on it with diamonds

Y- oh dios mio danny me encanta
D- pensé que lo harías
Y- ¿puedes ponértelo?

he grabbed the necklace from my hands and walked behind me. I picked my hair up so that you can attach it, after he did that I stood up and gave him a hug which he gladly returned one


we put our stuff down and sat on the couch while letting out a big sigh

D- ¿Qué quieren hacer esta noche?
B- ricky y yo tenemos que asistir a esto para gabe, todos deberían venir
Y- are you sure?
R- yeah we don't mind
D- ok entonces esta arreglado
B- Estar lista para las 8

after brissa and me dropped them off we went back home. I was gonna walk upstairs when brissa stopped me

B- can I ask you something?
Y- yeah, go for it
B- did I really interrupt something when you and Ricky were talking cuz-
Y- you didn't, we were just getting to know each other
B- ok

I walked upstairs and went to find clothes since I take hours to find a pair of clothes I eventually found some clothes. for the next hour I watch "Euphoria" cuz like who wouldn't


I start to get ready and changed into my outfit

I did light makeup and grabbed my stuff heading downstairs, when I looked at the time it was 7:40

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I did light makeup and grabbed my stuff heading downstairs, when I looked at the time it was 7:40. I saw brissa downstairs and she was wearing blue jeans that were big from the bottom, a white shirt that had a pic of Gabe and it said wepa king and the date he was born along with the day he passed away and on the back it said LLG

Y- nice shirt
B- thanks
Y- he was cute, wish I could've met him
B- he would've loved you, especially since you guys like the same song and both of you know how to dance good

I smiled and we both heard a honk outside, we walked outside and saw a black Mercedes

Y- who's car is that?
B- Ricky's he just got it yesterday when we dropped him off

Brissa locked the door the house and we got in the car, I sat in the front while Brissa sat in the back Ricky was basically wearing the same as brissa except he had a long sleeve

Y- nice car
R- thanks, where does Danny live so we can go get him?
Y- oh yeah I forgot to tell you Danny won't be able to make it cuz he has a concert
R- ah okay so we ready
Y- yup
B- yeah

he drove off the place, once we got there it was crowed with friends and supporters. some came up to Ricky asking for a picture which he took pictures with them. eventually a song came up and he asked brissa to danced with him but she kindly declined

R- you wanna dance?
Y- yeah sure

I grabbed his hand and walked to where everyone was dancing (just search up brissa y Ricky dancing on TikTok and pretend your brissa)

we walked back to where brissa was and she was with a group of friends

B- guys this is Y/n, Y/n these are our friends Armando, Grace, Jancarlos and Natalie

(Armando and Grace)

(Jancarlos and Natalie)

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(Jancarlos and Natalie)

Y- it's nice to meet you guysN- you too and I love your makeupY- thank you, you definitely need to do my eyebrowsG- where are you fromY- here actually born and raised

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Y- it's nice to meet you guys
N- you too and I love your makeup
Y- thank you, you definitely need to do my eyebrows
G- where are you from
Y- here actually born and raised

a few hours passed and it ended and ngl I had a good time mainly cuz of Ricky

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