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Y- god, can't you just leave and let me be

I was gonna swim away but he grabbed forearm and and pushed me against the rock under the waterfall

R- I wanted to talk to you
Y- I don't

I tried to get out of his grip but wasn't able to budge out

Y- let go of me
R- just listen to me please
Y- 5 mins
R- look I'm sorry about all of this, I'm sorry for ruining your relationship with Brisa, I'm sorry for dating Josie when I knew she hated you and you hated her. what i did was fucked up and I shouldn't have done it but I only did it cuz when I first met you I found you pretty and funny, you had this personality that not all girls have and I like that about you, I like you if I'm being honest, I've liked you since I first kissed you to prove Josie wrong. I'm sorry for spray painting your car but Josie said if I didn't that she'll do something to you and I didn't want you to get hurt especially by her

i looked at Ricky with tears forming in my eyes which he already had some coming out, I pulled him into a hug which he instantly hugged back

Y- I'm sorry too
R- for what?
Y- for what I told you at the tattoo shop, it was a fucked up thing for me to do and I shouldn't have brought Gabe up. I was just mad that you were with Josie
R- I forgive you, but do you forgive me?
Y- I guess I can

he smiled at with which I did the same thing in returned but what caught me off guard was that he kissed me and I didn't hesitate to kiss back

(I know this was short story but this is the end sorry)

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