chapter 2

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Devin pov:
Class just finished and everyone was leaving but Michael stopped me and Boat. Once everyone left "you two can talk out your differences just got it" he said scaring Boat "sorry Michael and we got it" I said and Boat stepped out of his hiding spot behind me "now get to your next class before your late" he said pushing us out.

We headed towards my locker until I saw a blue haired boy that so happens to have the locker next to mine "let's go to yours instead since I can just poof up what I need" I said to Boat "my locker is next to yours so we are going next to it anyways" he said pulling me along 'ha you have no choice' 'shut it Eden you caused this mess' 'all I did was speak the truth' don't forget that you almost ruined mine and Boats friendship'

I was so lost in the argument I was having in my head with Eden that I didn't notice Ritchie trying to talk to me so Boat punched my arm. I glared at him "ouch why'd you do that!?" I said rubbing the spot he hit "look forward" he said So I did and was met with blue eyes "ahhh!" I freaked out trying to run but got caught by Boat "you can't run from your problems" "yes I can" so I ran the other way.

After some time I noticed I lost them but I didn't notice the person next to me "your fast" someone says and I Jump and see someone with white hair hair and 2 different colored eyes one red and the other purple, on his purple eye it was surrounded with black marking that led to his shoulder along with a black horn. He chuckled seeing the fear in my eyes "is someone scared?" He slowly walked towards me and I walked back wards. I was indeed scared but I couldn't let him know "n-no!" Great that was totallyyyy convincing.

Warning Bullying

I kept backing away before I got tripped. I was now surrounded by a group of scary people "He's so scared its funny" Some girl with short orangesh blonde hair before kicking me in the side. They all started to hit me beside the leader they didn't stop until there were people coming. The leader bent down in front of me and grabbed the collar of my hood pulling me close "don't tell anyone or your dead!" Than he dropped me and the group left.

The last thing I remember is some black haired dude ran up to me before I blacked out. I woke up in a sweat and saw I was in some hospital looking room. Before I could even talk I felt arms around me "thank god your awake!" I noticed that voice as Boats and hugged back. Once he let go I noticed 1. I was shirtless and covered in bandages and 2. There were other people here "do you remembered what happened?" A talking cat asked, I thought of what the dude said

"Don't tell anyone or your dead!"

So I lied "not really all I remember is tripping over something than waking up here" everyone seemed convinced besides Boat and Michael wasn't there "well whatever happened gave you 2 bruises and 1 small wound" a girl with rose gold hair said. I nodded and everyone one left besides Boat "ok what actually happened?" He asked with a straight face "I....I can't say" I said "but don't worry I'll be ok" I assured him but he didn't believe me.

He sighed before Michael ran in "where the hell is my brother!?" He yelled before running to me "who did this?!" He exclaimed examining how bad it was "I'm fine, its just some cuts and bruises" I told him "did someone do this to you?" "No!" I answered a little too quickly. Before he could speak up I checked the time "already past lunch" I pout and they get the hint I don't want to talk about it "let's get your clothes and head to next class" Boat said giving me my black t shirt and red hoodie.

Turns out my next class is gym. I walked in and noticed I'm late and that the white haired dude is in my class. The teacher asked why I'm late so I told him I fell and showed him the bandages so he agreed that I sit out for today but I'm still gonna be marked as late.

I watched everyone from the bleachers and felt bad that I got to sit back. I got scared when the white haired boy from earlier sat next to me "Good job not telling anyone but-" he pushes on a cut reopening it and I had to hold back my cries "that doesn't mean I'll leave you alone" he stopped pushing "you'll regret the day you came here" he growled out 'hit him damnit' Eden yelled at me 'and make things worse? Ya no thanks' I told him.

I looked at the boy who smirked "where's my manners let me introduce myself I'm Jupiter leader of Devil's Tongue and your worse nightmare" with that he left and I let out a small cry that was too quiet to hear.

After class I limped to my locker to which I met Boat "hey- woah what happened!?" He asked and I lifted my shirt to show a blooded bandage "I tripped and it opened the cut" I lie and I can see the concern in his face "let's get new bandages, ok?" He said and I nodded heading to The Protecters office to change my bandages.

After that we headed to the last hour which we had together. We took a seat in the back next to each other and made conversation. I noticed Ritchie walk in and I staired without knowing. He sat in front of us and smiled "hey can we talk after school?" he asked me and I agreed. We all started talking until Jupiter walked in so I played dumb "who's that?" I asked pointing to him "Jupiter he's the leader of Devils tongue twin brother..." Ritchie says shocking me 'and the plot thickens' Eden laughs 'shut ↑' "so who's Devils Tongue?" I asked and this time Boat answered "their a group of bullies who think they run this school" he glares their way before turning to me "have I told you the groups?" He asked and I shook my head.

Apparently Ritchie likes explaining it because he immediately explained "there's groups which is The Protecters who basically help anyone and everyone and their leader is Bri, thank there's Grimshade and their not bullies but if you mess with them it won't end up very good for you and their leader is Alamos and third there's La Carnival who are a bunch of kids who try to make everyone smile and their leader is Flurry, and the best group in my opinion is Divinus Magia who all did something bad and want to become better and I'm the leader, lastly there is Devils Tongue who is run by Jupiter and their all just jerks that hurt anyone...they could...hmm" he finished explaining but seemed to think a lot when it came to Devils Tongue.

I knew what he was thinking so I had to change the topic of Devils Tongue fast "Didn't know the cute boy in front of me had leading skills ~" fuck why'd I resort to flirting!? 'HA I love watching you panic' Eden says and I noticed Boat mentally face palm knowing It was an accident. I also saw a red tint on Ritchie's face but it could just be a sunburn or something.

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