chapter 3

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Devin pov:
I mentally panicked at my mistake until something crazy happened "guess the cute strawberry boy knows now~" he flirted back. I can't stop what I already started "and how am I a strawberry?~" I asked as Eden laughed his head off "your cute, short, and red just like a strawberry~" hold up AM I BLUSHING!? How do I even respond to that uhhhhh "If I'm a strawberry than your a blue rose~" I can't believe I said that "and how am I a blue rose?~" he asked leaning towards me so I lean towards him "because love you seem like the prince in my fantasy's~" he turned a deep shade of red and turned his face away.

He leaned back into his original spot meaning I won that war. I turned to see a surprised Boat "w-what?" I asked nervously so he whisper yelled back "you just out flirted one of the hottest guys in school, on accident!" I nervously giggled "oops?" I asked not sure why he's surprised. The rest of the hour was silent.

Once classes finished I packed up my things with Boat and headed out "any plans after school?" He asked and I thought for a moment "Ritchie wanted to talk but after that no why?" I asked "talk eye?" He wiggled his eyebrows so I punched him in the arm "we just met today!" He chuckled and put he grabbed him stuff from his locker so I did too.

We met up with Michael outside "hey Devin ready to go?" He asked and before I could speak, Boat did "he has someone to'talk' to first" he used air quotes on talk so I punched him again "I'll text you when we're done" I tell them walking off.

🍓Strawberry🍓 -Where we meeting up?

💙Blue Rose🌹 -I know it seems suspicious but the left side of the building

🍓Strawberry🍓 -indeed that does sound suspicious

💙Blue Rose🌹 -just hurry up, I'm already here

🍓Strawberry🍓 -turn around

I stood behind him and he turns around as I send the message. I smile before speaking "I know you're gonna kill me but at least find me a husband and tell him I loved him" I said dramatically and we both laugh.

He looks around before grabbing my hand "these walls have ears, come" he pulled me with him. We ran for a good 5 minutes before we stopped on a hill with a tree "ok now that we're alone I want to apologize if I upset you when the other you? Spoke" he said looking at me and I sat down "don't be, I've gotten that reaction before but its usually from people who aren't the biggest fans of me and I guess I didn't want someone who showed me kindness only to find out I'm a freak" I said and he sat down besides me "I don't think your a freak...what's their name?" He asked "the names Eden the better half of Devin" Eden introduced himself.

Ritchie just watched me before asking "want to play a game?" I thought for a moment before completely turning towards him "sure" I said "truth or dare" he asked

D- hmmm truth
R- what's your favorite food?
D- truth or dare
R- dare
D- hmm *makes a grass hopper that looks real but is actually chocolate* eat this
R- .... *hesitantly bites it* you tricked me. I thought this was a real bug
D- and you still ate it!?
R- yes.
R- truth or dare
D- ...dare...
R- *smirks* close your eyes
D- *closes eyes*
R- *takes marker out* hehe *writes Ritchie's property on his cheeks* done but you can't look until you get home
D- *opens eyes* hmmm I'm trusting you

After a bunch of innocent rounds

D- truth or dare
R- truth
D- how'd you get that scar?

(I can't found out how so I'm making up my own version)

R- ...
D- sorry if its too personal I-
R- I got into a fight...though the person was strong, I was stronger and....he ended up in a hospital and all I got was a scar...that's also why I made divas Magia with my brother
D- Brother?
R- shit
D- ...I'll tell you if mine if you tell yours
R- my brother is a terrible person
D- I won't judge if you won't judge
R- twin brother...Jupiter well it isn't his real name...his name was Brandon but one day he got caught up in the wrong kind of people and got corrupted....
D- oh...I have 2 brothers
R- 2?...
D- mhm my older brother Michael who is a teacher and my twin....Eden...
R- wait-
D- he's killed a LOT of people so eventually he was caught and almost died
R- almost?...
D- I saw him lying there about to die and I couldn't bear it so with the last of his strength we both combined... A bunch of people mistaked me for him so we were always running....until we found Atlantide who knew I wasn't my brother and accepted me...
R- ....kinda makes me happy my brother is ONLY a bully
D- *giggles* we both have brother problems
R- heh ya...truth or dare
D- oh ya! Ummmm truth
R- What is your sexuality?~
D- huh!?
R- you heard me *smirks* I won't judge
D- ....I'm gay
R- 'fuck ya! I have a chance!' That wasn't so hard now was it
D- truth.or.dare
R- truth
D- what's your sexuality
R- bisexual
D- cool *smiles*
R- truth or dare
D- dare
R- don't move
D- hu-

Ritchie than grabbed my cheek and kissed me(Reference at top). I was surprised but eventually melted into the kiss. It felt like nothing mattered in that moment. He barely pulled apart before whispering "only one day and I already can't get you out of my head" then we kissed again.

The moment was perfect and amazing. My mind was empty with only the thought of him and I. It was unforgettable and irreplaceable nothing could copy this moment.

We stayed on that hill for another hour or two talking and laughing before eventually we had to head back. It was getting dark so Ritchie decided to walk me home.

Once we arrived he kissed my cheek "I'll see you tomorrow" he says before leaving. I watch him leave before I went inside. It was late so I tried to be quiet but it didn't work "where have you been?" Michael asked "with Boat" then Boat turns in the spin chair "try again" I blushed "I was with Ritchie" I admitted and Boat smirked "Ritchie's property ey?" Boat said and I looked confused before creating a mirror and looking at my face "that jerk said it wasn't anything bad!" I yelled before trying to rinse it off only to realize that its not coming off.

'Well that was a fun date' 'not a date Eden' 'mhm yet you still kissed' I blushed 'shut up' Eden snickered before leaving. I eventually gave up on washing it off "guess I'm going to school with it...." Then a brilliant thought appears "foundation will hide it!" I smiled and got into bed.

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