strangers to friends💖

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Y/n Pov
I headed to my first class of the day , which was social networking I don't know why I even do the class I don't listen. Anyway I made my way into my class I was only minute late but luckily the teacher wasn't there before me.

5mins later the teacher walks in while someone trails behind her, when I saw the door open it was the boy from the parking lot ,I immediately looked down cuz there was an empty seat next to me.
' Good morning class.' The teacher greets us,
' We have a new student joining us for 3months so be nice make him feel welcome, come introduce yourself '. The teacher says to the boy.

The boy started to speak ' Hi my name's Bukayo, I play for Arsenal academy, that's it prettymuch '.
' Go take a seat next to y/n '.
The teacher told him,

*shit *I muttered to my self but the teacher heard and got told off which made everyone look at me, which made it easier for Bukayo to see where I was sitting . ' Why do these guys stare so my god'. I whisper so this time no one heard but one.
' You Literly swore in class with a teacher in it out loud '.Bukayo whispered back.
'why you whispering Buk, I like that nickname imma stick to it'. I respond.

We both got to know each other a lot but we kept on getting told off but laughed when the teacher
turned around to teach the rest of the lesson.
After 1hour and 15 mins the class was over.

Me and Bukayo got up the teacher told us to stay behind.
' Y/n and Bukayo you need to concentrate on class we have exams in soon and it's very important your gonna have to pick soon aswell what you wanna do for your GCSE!'. teacher points at both of us while speaking I had the urge to make her stop pointing at us cuz first of all its rude and secondly I just don't like the teacher tbf .
' Ye, sorry miss won't happen again promise '. I say Bukayo just let me do the talking but I like that cuz he looks like a terrible liar. The teacher dismiss us and we head out.

A/n short chapter but oh well. :)))))

When It Builds Itself/Bukayo sakaWhere stories live. Discover now