Chapter 1 An Old Friend

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 An Old Friend 

The full moon shined upon the lone castle standing in the middle of a small town. Farmers after a hard day of labor were returning to their homes. Miners in dark clothes covered in dust smiled and laughed at each other, heading towards an inn that sold the best drinks.

"What are all these carts doing here?" An old miner pointed towards a dozen carriages that looked like they carried expensive goods.

"Haven't you heard?" the young man next to him replied pointing to the castle "the young master will be turning 12 tomorrow."

"Young master? Hehh", he scoffed and spat on the ground "those brown hairs looking down at us like they are some sort of nobles. Those lucky scheming bastards ought to be rotting in some prison somewhere for deceiving our great king."

"You should watch what you speak, where you speak. Especially when there will be so many guests visiting for tomorrow" , he looked around "unless you want to be branded a slave of course."

The mention of slaves had the old man stop his mouth. He looked around to check for soldiers and bowed his head down when he spotted some ahead down the road. The pair changed the topic of their conversation and arrived shortly at the inn where they would have spent their night drinking if it was any other day. Instead they were greeted by the innkeeper standing in front of the door.

"Dear sirs, we have strict orders not to let anyone enter for today. We have special guests that have booked the inn for tonight. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She bowed apologetically and ran towards the other group that was standing in front of the door looking around in confusion. The old man grumbled under his mouth uttering every filthy word that he could think of.

Inside the inn stood a tall man dressed in a long black cloak. He stared outside the window admiring the soft breeze. It was a quiet place for an inn. He had booked out the entire inn. He looked around the small town. It looked much better now than it did 15 years ago. Ofcourse he knew that his friend wouldn't let him down anyway but admiring the small town grow by his own eyes, he had even more admiration for his friend.

As if right on cue, an adult man who looked like he was in his mid-30s sprinted inside the inn through the back door. His eyes lit up when he noticed the man before him and he bent down on his knees.

"My King!"

The blonde man lowered his hood and smiled at his old friend with his blue eyes.

"You didn't think I would come?"

"No, my liege. I assumed you were busy handling the affairs of our great kingdom and couldn't attend an event hosted by a mere Baron."

"My dear friend, I did not come here as a King who wished to attend the party hosted by a baron but as a friend who came to congratulate his best friend and his best friend's son in the event of his birthday."

"My liege..."

The king held out his hand and the baron took it.

"Ouch.." the baron squealed in pain as he felt his guts being squished by the force of the King's punch.

"Your son is turning 12, and you decide not to send a single letter to your best friend. Not even that but your only friend. I have to hear about this through rumors and servants."

The baron smiled apologetically and grunted as he felt another sharp pain in his shoulders.

"15 years. Not one letter. Do you know how long 15 years can be? Take your sword out. I want to teach you some manners."

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