Chapter 3 The Afterparty

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The Afterparty

Lord Trindle was in absolute despair after listening to what the envoy had to say. He couldn't believe the words that echoed throughout the hall.

"The Royal Academy?"

"A present from the King himself?"

Lord Aesher couldn't pay attention to all the commotion happening inside his states at the moment. He was busy cursing his friend under his breath. How was he going to handle this situation? He had absolutely no idea.

"Everyone please calm down. We'll......" The butler tried to contain the situation.

"What do you mean calm down?" came a response from one of the nobles from the crowd.

"An invitation to the Royal Academy for a fake noble? I will not accept it."

Dillian rested a hand on his sword. "Who would dare challenge the judgement of my liege, the ruler of the Kingdom of Idoryn?"

The room went silent. Lord Aesher nodded at the Knight and smiled to the guests. "Thank you, all my wonderful lord and ladies, for giving blessings to my son. I hope that you will enjoy this small feast that the chefs of my humble town have prepared for my esteemed guests." He clapped his hands and servants poured into the hall carrying extravagant dishes and laid them out on the tables.

The nobles were busy admiring and judging the varieties of food that were sitting on the long rectangular tables. The hall was filled with small talks as the present lords and ladies were busy greeting both old and new faces, while discussing the recent news. Near the front of the hall Lucius and Dillian were standing, seeming disjointed from the crowd. Lucius looked up at Dillian who was silently staring at the crowd, hand still placed at the hilt of his sword.

"Not a fan of socializing?"

Lucius nodded his head. "I don't mind it but everyone just looks down at me if I try and talk so I tend to avoid gatherings all together."

Dillian smiled at the young boy. He was extremely curious about Lucius, ever since he had first learnt of his existence. Dillian became the squire of King Idoryn, long before he actually became the king. Cedric, back then was nothing more than a battle-hungry brute who didn't bother teaching Dillian whatsoever. He fondly remembered the first time he met Lord Aesher.

The war had gone along for some time and Idoryn was facing huge amount of losses. In response to that, the then King of Idoryn sent his first-born to the battlefields. Many assumed it was a plot by the second Queen to get rid of the true heir but no one knows for sure. Dillian followed Cedric into the battlefield where they met a young Franics, arrogant but kind, barking out orders to nobles even though he was just a commoner. What was even more surprising was that the nobles actually obeyed him.

Cedric smirked at the sight and immediately made him commander of the squadron. Dillian smiled fondly at the memories, reminiscing of the time in the war. Oh how he would watch those two swordsmen duel till their hearts were satisfied and their lungs out of breath. How Francis would point out every mistake that Dillian made. He had much respect for Lord Aesher and truly admired him. He was more of a squire to Franics than he was to Cedric, but a commoner couldn't be a knight, let alone have a squire.

"You know Lucius, social gatherings are much like a battlefield. If you can pay attention to the surrounding while maintaining your focus at the fight before you, you can win easily." Dillian patted his head. "Go on. Have some food and ask your grandfather to introduce you to the other kids."

Lucius hesitated but finally agreed.

"Dillian, you were a foot shorter than me. What even happened?" Francis arrived behind him carrying two cups of wine.

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