Chapter 2 A Birthday Party

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A Birthday Party

The birds sang their song to welcome a new sun in the morning. The castle was livelier than it had been before, why wouldn't it? It was an auspicious day for the castle, its lord and its people. Maids rushed around in aprons dusting every corner they could find. Sacks of potatoes and wheat was being carried inside.

The Butler hadn't been able to get much sleep. So much had to be done and so little time. He paced around the hallway checking on decorations. Once a fort to hold down the barbarians from the west now a venue for a fancy event. He scoffed at the thought. What wrong had he done in his past life; to end up in the edge of the kingdom serving fake nobles.

"Anna!" he yelled at the old maid down the hall "wake up the young master and see to it that he's ready to greet his guests."

Anna bowed at the command and hurried over to the library. "Young Master" she called out to him as she knocked on the hard wood door. No answer.

She invited herself in and rushed over to the small boy sleeping inside a cave made up of books. A book held close to his chest like he was holding his baby. A smile immediately formed on her lips. She almost wanted him to sleep a little longer. Almost but not quite.

"Young Master, it's time to wake up."

The boy rubbed his eyes and whispered "Mum..."

Anna caressed his hair. "It's me young master."

Lucius looked up at the tearful eyes of his maid. "Anna! Good morning."

"Good morning and Happy Birthday young master."

The boy smiled at her; his brightest smile that made Anna feel like her heart would melt. "Careful young master, if you smile that way in the hall downstairs then the ladies may start another war to win your smile."

Lucius laughed at that comment and he got up. "Where's father?"

"Lord Aesher has been lecturing the guards for the past hour about security for the guests attending the party."

"Father is, well he's father I guess." Lucius sighed. Now it was Anna's time to laugh.

Lucius finished his breakfast and headed down to the bath. It was warm; just the way he liked it. He didn't want to come out. He had a long day ahead of him. It was his birthday sure but he didn't really find celebrating with the nobles to be pleasant. They smile to your face and plot when you turn your back. It was going to be a long day. He felt it in his bones. He shivered and got out.

He went to his room which was his room only for the name of it. He spent most of the time in the library or in the fields behind the barracks. He was greeted by Anna and a few other women he didn't recognize. He bowed to them showing discipline and curtsy. The ladies were taken by surprise having met the young lord the first time. They didn't believe the son of a commoner to be a noble but maybe this boy had more of his mother's blood then his father's; the ladies wondered to themselves.

Anna introduced them to Lucius.

"I'm Aleera, m'lord and these are my sisters Alva and Amara." She bowed and the others followed.

They didn't have family names. They were commoners Lucius wondered to himself. Commoners weren't allowed into castles of lords (with some exceptions) much less their personal rooms. Lucius had nothing against it but those were the social rules. He was quite confused as to why three women, commoners were in his room. Anna cleared that confusion.

"They'll be dressing you up young Lord. These sisters were handpicked by me and they are the best at their crafts." She nodded at the girls, "I hope you give them a chance to prove themselves. It's not always they get the chance to dress up a noble."

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