Chapter 1 ~ First Impressions

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    The birds were chirping, the roosters humming, and y/n was fast asleep. Everything was perfect and peaceful on this normal Tuesday morning until "RING DING DONG" the dastardly sound of an alarm forces y/n out of bed. The air turns sour as y/n stumbles around her home, getting ready for her next day at her job as a barista at the local square-bucks. It was miracle that she was able to land this job as she is from another planet and cannot read the spoken language at all. She was bothered a little by this but she was happy that she could fit in with the lives of humans. On her way out of her house, she trips over a pile of rocks that she swore wasn't there to begin with. Shrugging this off, she sets off to work. 

    She was headed towards the bus stop and looked down at her watch to see it was 7:05 am. She blinked at it again to make sure it was real. 7:06 am. 
"This can't be happening." she repeated in a panic. The bus had already left her in the dust, forcing her to walk to work. After 30 minutes of walking, she turns the corner and sees the familiar building in front of her. With a dazzling smile she swings open the door with a WOOMPH. This alerted the manager of her arrival and he glared at her with his mysteriously long eyes.
"You're late." he said with distaste in his tone. 
Instantly y/n feels a shiver down her spine in fear and she scurries into the employee locker room. With a sad look she puts on her apron and heads to the kitchen. 

    She watches a man with a teal button up shirt walk out of the store with only a small coffee and a clipboard. Her friend tise breaks y/n out of her thoughts with a loud friendly yell.
"HEYYY BESTIE". Tise said with a smile. 
y/n stutters a reply, "h-hi tise!" 
Tise wraps their arm around y/n's shoulder with a comforting glow. "Don't be so nervous this isn't your first day or anything. Just kick back and relax." Just as the words flew out of their mouth, the door slams and a customer makes their way in, interrupting the conversation. The air inside the building grows tense and y/n can't help but shiver in her boots. A short green thing with fluffy features makes his way into the coffee shop with a menacing face.

 A short green thing with fluffy features makes his way into the coffee shop with a menacing face

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"Can I get uhhhhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhh..." The customer is in thought just like this for minutes on end until they come up with their order.
"A water withOUT milk please, I am lactose intolerant." 

y/n receives a slip of paper with mysterious scratches on it, which she assumes should have been the order. She tries to her full ability to make this extraordinary drink and comes up with a result. Her newest contraption, water with a glob of milk and a drizzle of caramel. She smiled proudly at her creation and sent it up to the front. You could hear the unsatisfactory slurp of the receiving customer. You can see as his face turns greener from the chunky milk that has infested his tastebuds. With an angry bellowing scream he roars as he jumps around patting his tongue with his wings, as if to wipe off the poison in which he calls milk, his worst enemy. You could feel just from his expression, his insides crumbling under the weight of the chunkiest milk, even the molecules in his body barf in reaction to this meeting. 
"WHERE. IS. THE. MANAGER. ???11 ?? ?/??/??1!?!?!?1?!?!?!?" his frightened face turned into an angry expression as he looked around, fumes puffing out of the adidas cap on his head.

"That should be me, kind sir." a crusty looking crab clacks over with a kekekekekkeeke laugh, his jagged nose peers down at the green emo customer who still has caramel sauce all over his beak. "What is the matter?"


"Oh? A mishap happened in the kitchen you say? I must get to the bottom of this, as I mustn't let this tarnish this businesses reputation or my ... money. Kekekekekekeueuurrgrrg" The crab said with a devilish cackle and an angry yell, "NOW WHO IN THE KITCHEN MADE THIS LOWLY HORRIBLE MISTAKE?"

All of this happening made y/n stand frozen in fear, she knew that she was the culprit of this whole fiasco and she was terrified of whatever monster that emo thing was. Gaining the courage to step out of the kitchen, she let her head hang low, her purple hair covering her face. "I......I was the one who made your drink." 

"You are fired. Go hang up your apron and never let me see you again." 

She obeyed and walked out of the coffee shop, a miserable ding of the bell as she runs away, wiping her tears. She didn't notice however, the burly teal shirted man until she crashed into him. His coffee and clipboard flying out of his hands. He held a terrified expression and scurried to pick up his clipboard, jumping into a nearby bush and carrying it with him as he sprinted in the opposite direction. 

She miserably gets up and heads home. She looks at the floor of her front door making sure she wouldn't trip again, but the rocks were no longer there. She headed to her room in despair and a newly profound confidence lights up inside her. "What if I learned how to read? I can't end up making this mistake ever again!" She picks up her phone and downloads the first language learning app she saw. Duolingo. 

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