Chapter 2 - Duolingo Strikes

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A disappointing bell resonates throughout the room as y/n groans in agony. "I could have sworn that was the right answer!!?1!?1/?!!/" The last heart out of five on the screen breaks in two and a crying duo appears on the screen, and just like that she had lost her last life. "NOOOOOOO how have I been doing this for a week now and it feels like I've made no progress???!!!" y/n yells and yeets her phone off to the side, it landing in front of the window. She slides out of bed and after a few moments, she goes to retrieve her phone but on her way she notices a green silhouette staring at her across the street. Before she could analyze what it was, it vanished right before her eyes. "I must be going crazy even outside of this game I still see that darn owl."

She shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen to make something to drink. She pours some milk into a tall wine glass, noticing its lack of chunks. "Strange." She finishes her favorite drink with some water and caramel. She smiles and chugs the whole thing down, finishing it in one gulp "refreshing~". Just as she's about to make a new one, her front door creaks open. Y/n stops in her tracks in fear and tries investigating the sound. Face to face with her front door cracked open to notice nothing there. "BOO bestiee~~!!!" Y/n leaped terrified in fear and screeched, swishing her head around to see Tise with an evil grin, bearing candies and presents.

"Sorry I haven't visited sooner to check how you were doing. I hope my gifts make you feel better." Tise says with her head hanging low.

"No! It's all right you don't have to apologize. I'm just a little frustrated right now with all that's going on." Y/n says with a weak smile.

"Why? Are you feeling down because u got fired?" Tise asked with genuine concern.

Y/n sat in confusion, wondering if that was back handed or not. "Well no, not that. I'm just trying to learn how to read with an app and it's frustrating me."
"Oh?" Tise sat upright in her chair, "What app is it?"

Y/n sighed "It's called Duolingo, that dastardly owl is making me mad. I want to roundhouse kick him in the face."

"Oh bestie that app is horrible! Duolingo is like the last place you should go when trying to learn languages" Tise said rolling her eyes.

"Then what do you suggest?" Y/n asked Tise with curiosity.

"Well DUHH obviously! Rosetta Stone! How could you go wrong with that!!! You should try it instead of that stupid try hard owl. [Use code Tiseisahottie for a free trial today!!]"

"Wow it sounds like you work for Rosetta Stone or something LOLS!" y/n giggled.

"HAha why would you say such a thing !! wink wonk *tise inserts robotic laughter*"

y/n did a little curtsy "Well maybe I might! Thanks for letting me in on this super duper cool deal!"

"You know what we should do to celebrate your new [BIG SHOT DEALS!] with a trip to the mall for a girlies night next week!" Tise exclaimed.

"Sounds like a plan!" y/n hollered, "I'll see you then!"
and just like that tise byes herself out of the house.


It's the morning of the girlies day. During the last week she hasn't touched the Duolingo app at all. Instead she has been putting her studies avidly towards Rosetta Stone with her free trial. Something felt amiss but she didn't ponder on it. Next thing she knew she was in front of the mall where she meets up with Tise, who was chatting it up with a strange teal shirted man with a clipboard. She swore she has seen him somewhere before. She walks up and the man looks at her with worry in his eyes and runs as fast as his mighty legs could carry him.

"Hey Tise!" Y/n exclaimed with a bright sunny smile on her face, excited for the fun times that awaited them.

"Hey girlie, hold still!" Tise puts a flower crown upon y/n's head with a smile "buy anything you want today! It's on me. :)"

"Aww you're so sweet! you don't have to!" y/n fiddles with the crown on her head

"NO. I MUST." Tise demands, her voice growing 10 times deeper.
And thus, they skip happily into the building.

Duolingo watches the scene from afar and follows them inside, curiously.

Y/n forgot the last time she had been in a mall this huge, her eyes widening and gawking at all of the shops that glittered the inside of the large building.

y/n's eyes settle on a coffee shop with eccentric lettering 'dutche sisters'

y/n and tise both exclaim in sync"OH MY GORDHHHH!!! LETS GO WAIT IN THAT SUPER LONG LINE FOR THAT COFFEE!!!" and they scurry to the coffee shop, Duolingo attempts to keep up with them but their coffee hungry legs were too fast. He falls flat on his face in the rush and loses them in the crowd, but overhears a very loud conversation between them.
"Hey y/n how is Rosetta Stone after you ditched that poor excuse of a language owl?"
"It seems to be going well so far! I hope to learn more soon with Rosetta Stone!"

His fluffy owl ears couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. Heat started boiling through his veins, his eyes showing signs of distress and his eyebrows, bunched up to the middle of his forehead, steam coming out of his ear holes. He was LIVID. He started to stamp around like a toddler when their toy got snickity snatched away from it. He couldn't take the overwhelming RAGE AND BETRAYAL that he was feeling in this moment. He had to do something. A light bulb appeared over his head and his mouth turned into a sinister grin.

His rage was long lasting, enough for y/n and tise to come out of the line with their drinks in hand.

"Ah shoot", Tise shot y/n a glance "The time has come for my arrival, to the room, with the bath, and the room. GOTTA SPLIT."

Y/N stared speechless as Tise naruto ran to the bathroom and shrugged it off. This was normal Tise behavior.

Just then as she was about to take a sip of her favorite drink, a comically sized burlap sack was aggressively placed over her head. She struggled against her aggressor and dropped her most prized possession. "NO!N!O!ON!OOO!!!!! NOT MY!!!!!-" The sack stopped her from speaking and the curdled milk was splattered across the ground, causing her to slip and pass out. Nobody seemed to be bothered by the big burly owl dragging the poor alien girl accross the chunky milk because of the big sale at macies. And just like that, Y/N disappeared without a trace, leaving her poor chunky milk behind.

 And just like that, Y/N disappeared without a trace, leaving her poor chunky milk behind

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to be continued....

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