Chapter 4 - Sticky Situation

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As the night goes on, y/n looks out the window and sees a brightly shining Jupiter in the sky. A rush of nostalgia pumps through her body as she is reminded of home. Shortly after, she realizes a buzzing sensation inside her pocket. Taking out her phone, she realizes that she received 100+ missed calls all under the same phone number, Tise. She quickly phoned Tise up, and got an instant response with a worried Tise. 


Y/n tries to reassure Tise but she cant get a word in with all of Tise's worryful yelling, that seemed to continue for the last couple minutes of the ride home. "Don't worry Tise, its okay! I just got in a sticky situation thats all"

Tise sighs a sigh of relief and wishes y/n a goodnight. "G'night bestie!!!!" Tise exclaims. 

After the call ends, y/n closes her phone and sighs wondering what she should do next about duolingo's offer and slips into bed. 

Y/N wakes up to the sound of her extremely annoying coo-coo clock and throws her pillow sleepily at it, and knocks it off the wall shattering it to pieces. 

"Aw man now I need to replace that thing soon." She shrugs off the sleepiness and goes to kitchen for breakfast. 
"No milk, no eggs for deviling, but at least I have my favorite macaroni casserole kit"
She mixes the ingredients together to make what you could barely call a casserole, but what she didn't expect was she had to preheat the oven, leaving her casserole frozen like a brick and unfixable. 

Just then, as she was going to check around for something else to eat, the doorbell rang to her apartment. She pranced over to the door, surprised to see her landlord angrily looking at her.
"Your rent is due as of today!"

Y/n quickly flips out her wallet and opens it, disdained to see only but a comically sized fly flutter out and buzz away. "I... I don't think I can pay that right now.." she said with a sad sigh.

The landlord face turns a bright shade of red as he exclaims "You haven't paid your rent in the past 3 months! I want that money in by the end of the day or else you are outta here!" He stamped away, leaving y/n in his dust.

Y/N cant help but feel a sense of defeat as he walks away. "Whatever shall I do.." A lightbulb popped above her head and she claps her hands together with excitement. "Thats what! I need to find a job!

As she is walking down the sidewalk job searching, she sees a flyer fluttering in the wind. She jumps up and catches it and looks at its contents to see pictures of people pouring drinks and it's as if fate strikes. She turns and looks for the logo on the job application sheet, only to find it across the street from her. 

She sprints up to the front desk of the bar and slams the poster onto the counter, demanding for a job. "Okay!" the front desk exclaims. 

Y/n is taken aback , "wait really?" 

"Yes. We are in urgent need of workers right now. You're hired!" 

Y/N jumps up excitedly and starts her first shift of what she hopes is many more to come. (Little does she know, she will not be getting any more shifts.)

Her first (and last) customer, a stone with googly eyes, walks in with a bodyguard speaks up for the stones order. "I would like to have TWO drinks"  Y/N tries jotting everything down in pictures and turns to the kitchen to create the "best" drink.

She brings up a bizarre contraption containing blended up artichoke dip, quesadillas, and other mysterious drinks in pretty bottles and serves a glass to the bodyguard. He puts up the dwane johnson eyebrow at her and questions "Hold up. Where is Rockswell Rocksan Bartholomew the third's drink?" he raises the cup to his mouth, "I thought I asked for TWO drinks." 

Y/n quickly pours the rock fellows drink and hands it to him.

As both Rockswell Rocksan Bartholomew the third and his bodyguard take a sip, they both feel seriously ill as the vulgar taste hits their tongues like acid and Rockswell Rocksan Bartholomew the third spitting up the remainder of his lunch. "HOW DARE YOU ATTEMPT TO POISON MY SUPERIOR!!" the bodyguard exclaims. 

Y/N was taken aback she never would have thought that somebody would hate her new and improved drink so much as to call it poison. she huffs and puffs as anger starts to well up inside of her, "I'm so sick and tired of everyone calling MY DRINKS BAD!! "I MADE THIS with MY OWN BARE HANDS YOU INSOLENT FOOLS!" She takes the drink from the rock, swigging it all the passion in her throat, then spitting it back into their faces not as a sign of disgust but as a sign of pride flaring up her alien nostrils like a bull in battle. The skin on her body, turns from a dark gray into a bright red like the takis in a overfilled bag. 

Dwane Johnson, Rockswell Rocksan Bartholomew the third's bodyguard, wipes his rocky face with a flowery designed handkerchief. "HOW ABOUT YOU CATCH ME OUTSIDE WITH THAT ATTITUDE" 

"I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE" Y/n says as she hops over the counter, slipping terribly and falling flat on her face. This doesn't stop her pursuit though, as she scrambles back to her feet and out the door. She was ready to throw hands, but suddenly, a green winged animal on the way back from sketchy business stepping in and catches her fist. "It's not worth it, there's too many of them!! Lets go!" He drags Y/N onto the street with a gang of rocks chasing them and they approach a little pink motorcycle. 

"What is this?? is this seriously how you get around??" Y/n questions Duolingos vehicle choices.

Duolingo yells proudly, "This is my wonderful child!! How dare you talk down about it??!" 
"You have no right to complain right now, so get on your helmet and lets get going!!" 

"Is putting on a helmet really important right now?? This is like a viking hat from halloween costume at spirt halloween!!"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?? Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is ILLEGAL YOU IMBECILE!! How can you so blatantly disregard your own safety DUMMY!" Duolingo huffed out with his chest.

"When have you ever worried about things being legal?" Y/n questioned him, but complied with his orders anyway wondering why he cared about her safety. Just then it hit her, "Are you only saving me so that I would say yes to learning from your little language app that you KIDNAPPED me for??"

"Are you serious? I know we had a rough start but I cant just sit around watching anybody get beat up by a bunch of stupid rocks. Take it how you want to but I'm getting you out of here."

They speed away, running over a few rocks in the process, their googly eyes scattering across the street and pieces of their bodies flying in the air around them

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They speed away, running over a few rocks in the process, their googly eyes scattering across the street and pieces of their bodies flying in the air around them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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