Chapter 1:Existances Beginnings

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Seeking, tracking, hunting, two young men, their prey, consisting of twenty-four teams made of two members.  Each team fighting for survival, striving for the title of Laser Tag Dominators, a cup held every year. This cup is like no ordinary laser tag, because if you are hit by a laser you feel it. The rules simple, you get hit you are eliminated. In the past six cups, the dominators have been the same team; they were known as the ‘Executioners’. Their strategies were flawless, with a near-perfect offence backed up by an unbeatable defence. They had never been beaten. In this battle three teams remained, moving round in an artificially generated forest, the clock standing at three hours of game play. Tim and Kalan were dominating the match, swiftly eliminating team by team till only two teams remained.

Tim ran from the trees into the open ground, behind him Kalan crouched waiting, his eyes to the scope. Tracking Tim as he moves. As Tim runs a laser fires, past his shoulder, missing him by the smallest of margins. “Kalan!” he shouts as he runs.
“Got him.” Kalan replied shifting the grip on his gun before firing into the trees to Tim’s left. He dropped low, zigzagging to help, avoid return-fire. When he reached Tim, he fell to the ground, hiding behind cover. “That was entertaining. He nearly had you.” Tim glares at him.
“What happened weren’t you watching?” Kalan rose to a sitting position.
“What do you think? I can’t see everything at once.” Tim sighs and sits down, checking the arena countdown, reading the time left. Kalan lifts his wrist to see the computer attached to it. “That’s another one gone.” Tim looked to him.
“Who’s left?” Kalan uses the stylus to shift through menus until he had the list of competitors.
“Team Falcon.” Tim spits into the trees at the mention of their rival team.
“Let’s get to work.” Kalan said, slowly rising, brow furrowed as he scanned the landscape spotting the other team moving into position. Behind him, Tim does the same. Tim and Kalan break apart, targeting one each. As they break apart the two boys scattered, Tim and Kalan hot on their tails. Kalan went after the shorter of the two. As he ran, he noticed the boy started to travel at a slower pace. Kalan stopped and raised his gun firing a shot over the boy’s shoulder, causing him to spin around, and take a hit square to the chest. Dropping him instantly. Kalan walks back to where they separated from to go chasing after their quarry. He finds Tim sitting on one of the lower branches of the gum trees in the area.
“Time to go.” Tim gets of the branch and they walk to the arena’s exit. Passing the defeated team. As they leave the grounds of the arena, the roar of the crowd that had gathered meets them. All those who came to watch, rose to their feet as the competitors left the arena, in order of survival. Behind the competitors was a large plasma screen, showing the select replays of the match after twenty-four hours of combat. Tim and Kalan quietly leave the stage. As they walked away, the fans they had gathered surrounded them. Out of nowhere, a news reporter and cameraman appeared in front of the Tim and Kalan.
“Kalan, is this your last title match?” The reporter asked. Kalan turned and looked at her.
 “Yes it’s is my final title match. Don’t ask why.” He brushes past the reporter and into the four-wheel drive waiting for them. As he and Tim climb in the aboriginal driver turns around to face them. “Where to boss?” Kalan looks out the window.
“Home for the last time.” Kalan tells the driver as he stares at Kalan.
“You a funny fella boss.” The drive respond as Kalan continues to stare out the window Tim turns to face Kalan as the drive pulls out and continues along the freeway.
“You reckon they’ll go away?” he asked Kalan, causing him to turn to face him.
“The fans? Yeah, we’ll be forgotten in a week. You know how things are in this sport.”  Kalan responded as Tim sighs and faces out the window. Kalan lays his head against the window and passes out due to exhaustion.
Kalan wakes just as the four-wheel drive pulls to a halt. The doors are opened as the car comes to a halt and attendants go to help them out of the car. Staring at them was Tim’s mansion home. The maids and butlers wandering around the driveway.
“See you Simon.” Tim yells as the driver takes the car away.
“See ya’ boss.” The driver shouts as he drives past. Kalan turns to face Tim, hand outstretched.
“Right I’m gone.” Tim takes the hand and shakes it.
“See you later then.” Kalan turns and walks down the driveway. As he walks Tim’s three Dobermans followed him down the driveway. When he gets to the end of the drive, he opens the smaller gate within the larger pair. He quickly ducks out and closes the gate before the dogs could get out. He then walks down the road to a much more modest two-bedroom house. His house was on a small acreage. His two German Shepherds where running around the yard. He had a small cottage-style house. He walked up the path until he reached his door. The moment he turned the lock his two German Shepherds came running over to the door, where they sat down waiting. He looks to them and smiles.
“Okay.” The dogs leap up and charge through the door. He walks into his house and places his keys in the dish on the counter next to the door before making himself dinner.

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