cute cosplays! ☆

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•i decided to make another part to this because, why not 🤷🏾‍♀️ any who this will be a continuation of like a month later from the previous chapter so enjoy it ✌🏾✨
Y/N would be wearing this outfit

•i decided to make another part to this because, why not 🤷🏾‍♀️ any who this will be a continuation of like a month later from the previous chapter so enjoy it ✌🏾✨Y/N would be wearing this outfit

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

And the cosplay her and Mikey would be doing is Sakura and xiaolong from cardcaptor sakura

And the cosplay her and Mikey would be doing is Sakura and xiaolong from cardcaptor sakura

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

               {**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*}

"Mikeyy~♬" you sang, running towards to the boy giving him a tight hug. "Ah Y/N hellooo! " he said, hugging you back. He was chilling with Draken, and the Kawata twins. "Hi guys!! And heyy twin! " Y/N walks to Souya (also known as 'angry') giving him a side hug. He did the same, "Wassup twin, how's everything? " he asked, with that little grumpy face of his. "Ahem." You and Souya looked at Nohoya (also known as 'smiley') confused. "Twin? Do I just not exist to you fools!? " he said smiling, cracking his knuckles. "Who's cotton candy talking to, twin? " Y/N said looking towards Souya. He chuckled, looking away from both his brother, and best friend. "Cotton candy!? Oh now you asked for it Y/N!! " He yelled smiling angrily, running towards you. You let go of Souya running away, "Souya twin, HELP ME!!! YOUR INSANE BROTHER IS GONNA BEAT MY ASS" Souya soon ran after his brother to stop him from chasing Y/N.
Mikey's POV
I looked at Y/N running around laughing, like a child. Dammit she was cute. I looked towards at Ken-chin giving him a smug smile. "Sighhh.. I'll go get the doriyaki. Let's go" he said kneeling down for me to get on his back. I hoped on, pointing towards the nearby store, "Let's go get the wonderful doriyaki, Ken-chin! " I gave him an evil smile. Ken-chin threatened to throw me across the playground as I laughed awaiting for my delicious snack. 'Hmm.. ' I thought. "Ken-chin... " he dropped me as we were in front of the grocery store and looked at me. "Hm?" "Go get Y/N a doriyaki too! " I smiled and staying outside of the store. He smiled, "yeah yeah. " as he walked into the store to buy the doriyaki.
Back at third person POV-
Y/N had gotten a little tired from being chased around the park, and so has the twins. "I'll.. huff.. get you next time... huff.. When I'm less tired" Nohoya said, smiling angrily at her. She sat on a swing looking at him, sticking her tongue out, and decided to rest at the swing. You closed your eyes wondering into dream land, until you heard someone sit on the swing behind you. Of course, it was your lovely Mikey. "Ahh Mikey there you are, jeez I'm so fucking tired.. " you said smiling looking at him. Mikey chuckled, "I can see, here have this as a boost of energy! " he handed you a doriyaki. "Thanks, pretty boy! " you smiled devouring the snack. As you were eating, from the side of your eye you see Mikey smiling, and blushing. 'Damn was be cute. ' you thought.
                {**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*}

Everyone has gone their separate ways after having some more fun, and Mikey was with you at home, since he had insisted on dropping you home because you were tired from all the running you did. You two were currently in the living room, watching Neon Genesis Evangelion (yeah I said nge you dinkle dink). As you guys were watching one of the Eva's fight an angel, the doorbell had rung. You stood up, " hell yeah my package came!" You walked towards the door opening it and finding a box outside of your door. You walked towards Mikey showing off the box to him. "Mikey mikeyyy~♬, look what came in the maaailll~" you sang, he looked up at you smiling. "A whole stock of doriyaki!? " you pushed his head playfully. "No dumbass, the cosplay that I've ordered for both of us duhh! " he looked at you with a confused smile. "Cosplay? Who is it though? " you opened the box opening it showing him the cosplay you bought him.

"Tadaa!! " you smiled at him

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Tadaa!! " you smiled at him. He took it examining it, confused on who it is. Then it came to his thought, 'oh! That kid from the... uh.. cardcaptor sakura was it.. ? ' Y/N smiled at herself seeing sakuras outfit, now into her hands. "Ahh I'm so so happy it came today! I couldn't wait any longer!! " she smiled twirling and smiling. Mikey looked at her seeing how happy she was, all he could do was smile and blush. Y/N looked towards Mikey, "come on pretty boy!! Put it on I want to see how it will look on ya! " she smiled pushing Mikey into the bathroom with the cosplay in his hand.
After some time when they both put on the cosplay
They both seen how each other looked. 'Oh... 'Mikey looked at Y/N 'she's adorable!!? ' his face blew a fuse, getting all and everything. Y/N looked at Mikey giggling and blushing. "Mikey love.. Your cosplay needs to be fixed for some places. Here let me help you! " she walked towards Mikey, patting down some parts of the cosplay, and fixing up parts he put incorrectly. At the hat part, Y/N was fixing it to look more steady, and symmetrical on Mikey's head. While doing so, she was quite near his face, she didn't notice but oh boy did Mikey sure notice. He became a hot mess, looking at all Y/N's facial features. "There we go! " she said but then realized how close she was to Mikey. "Oh crap-, my bad Mikey.. " she looked away blushing like crazy. "No worries it's all right! " Mikey laughed, and so did Y/N.
While in cosplay, they were listening to music, dancing with each other, and eating most of the snacks in the house.. or well.. that was Mikey eating most of the things. As it was getting late, Mikey had to go home, and Y/N hugged him from behind swinging him around. "I'm gonna miss youu mikeeyyy! " she cried holding him tight. "Don't worry Y/N, we get to see each other tomorrow when I pick you and takemitchy up from school! " Y/N looked at Mikey and accepted it. "Alrightyy, see you love, sleep well! And tell Emma I said hello! " Y/N smiled at him, kissing him on the cheek. Mikey kissed her forehead and patted her head. "Yeah, I'll see you! " he smiled and headed out, holding the cosplay in a bag that Y/N had given him.
              {**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*}

Hah another part to this shit 😈💪🏾 you guys like it? Cuz I fo sho don't 🤣❗❗
Anywho this like randomly came to my mind so I decided to write it. If you aren't a cosplayer than uh.. Use your 🌈imagination🌈 ig

Strawberry Kisses -mikey x reader♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat