the title of the story o.o

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alternative chapter title: Who Could Have Seen It Coming??

another alternate title: Zeus Is Really Dumb (but also comic relief)

Zeus sleepily opened his eyes. His bunny alarm clock beeped on his nightstand. Seven-forty five! Zeus thought. Time for breakfast!

Zeus jumped out of bed like a child on Christmas morning. He happily skipped down the hallway and soon arrived at the dining room.

It was empty.

Hushed voices came from the hallway to the right, and naturally, Zeus followed them, immediately holding a make-believe magnifying glass (because, of course, you couldn't search for mysterious voices without an imaginary magnifying glass, duh).

"Zeus, Private Investigator on the case." He murmured (like a real detective!) and bent down to inspect a mysterious bunny slipper. 

"This bunny slipper is sus," Zeus decided.

He punched the shoe with all of his might and immediately jumped ten feet from pain. 

"That was my shoe," He declared.

"Indeed." A voice spoke from the corner. Zeus turned to see Athena standing there. "We've been waiting for you," she said.

Athena led Zeus into the conference room, where all the gods sat around the table. Zeus took his seat at the head of the table, next to Hera.

"So...where's Hestia?" Zeus asked, stomach rumbling.

Athena looked down. 

"About that..." she started, "I have bad news."

"What is it?" Aphrodite asked. "You've been keeping us in suspense since we woke up, and that wasted time has been taking away from my beauty regimen class!"

Athena pushed Zeus out of the chair at the head of the table and sat down as he scrambled underneath. 

She sighed. 

"Zeus, you can take my seat." Athena flapped her hand at him as if he was some annoying fly and not the most powerful god ever. "Anyway...I think we're going to have to eliminate our problem. Hestia is out for revenge, let me tell you. We'll have to gather an army-"

"Slow down, Athena." Hera held out her hands in a stop position. "Start from the beginning."

"Okay. I left at dawn, flying to Mt. Everest. The morning wind was cold and strong, blowing against my face, whipping back my hair-"

"Athena, when I say beginning, I don't mean the start of your little adventure. I mean start from the beginning in the sense that right now we know nothing. Just keep in mind that we only need to know the important details."

Athena contemplated this, then nodded. "I arrived at Mt. Everest at 5:47-"


"It's always important to keep a timeline! Anyway, I arrived at Mt. Everest, where it was 103 degrees colder than when I was flying." Athena looked at Hera. "Are you going to say that temperature isn't important either? Because I assure you, it's crucial."

"I'm sure it is," Hera said sarcastically.

Athena rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I had no idea how Hestia could be plotting revenge in a fiery castle if that fiery castle was Mt. Everest. It sure did not look fiery to me. But since I knew that Aphrodite hadn't been lying, I searched for something-anything that would help me. And it wasn't until I had circled the mountain seventy-two and five-twelfths of a time that I found a door." She glared at Hera. "It was 6:29. And I presume that you think it is unnecessary to describe how I found the door?"

"Yes!" Hera exclaimed. "I think it is very unnecessary!"

"Very well-"

"I would like to know how you found the door." Zeus cut in.

Athena smiled. "Sorry, Hera. I was five-twelfths through my seventy-third time around the mountain when suddenly my foot sank into the snow. An idea popped into my head and I started to dig away the snow. I dug and dug and dug until my hand hit something hard. Now, it couldn't have been the mountain because, for one, snow doesn't just randomly fall more in one tiny space, and also what I felt at the end wasn't stone. It felt like...wood."

Zeus gasped.

"And when I saw the part I had uncovered, at first I thought it was a mine shaft that some of the humans had created a while ago and abandoned. Then I saw the knob and realized it was a door."

Zeus gasped again-but much more grandly.

"So I tugged the door open-"

"How?" Zeus asked, cutting her off. "Was it hard?"

"What?" Athena asked, confused.

"Getting the door open."

"Oh. No, the door wasn't hard to get open. Any-"

"Okay." Zeus slumped in his seat, no doubt wanting a better story.

"Anyway, I tugged the door open and looked inside, and there was a tunnel in which I searched for traps. Once I was confident that there were none, I crept inside, closing the door behind me."

"Was it scary?" Zeus asked.

"Not too scary," Athena said gently. "Now, will there be any more interruptions?"


"Good. Okay, where was I? Oh yes, creeping down the tunnel., at 6:54. As I was doing that, I noticed the temperature change: it got twenty-five degrees hotter with every step I took. But because this was important, I didn't flee and kept on going down the tunnel. Soon enough, I had taken off my overcoat. The heat got to an almost unbearable level. 687 degrees!"

"Wowza," Zeus murmured. Athena rolled her eyes and kept going.

"Eventually another door came into view, and the thing was charred. Like someone had accidentally set fire to it but put the fire out before anything happened. But I had a feeling that it hadn't been an accident."

Zeus gasped yet again, even longer this time, along with a few other gods.

"So I open this door-"

"Was it hard?" Zeus asked.

"No. So I open-"

"Are any of the doors you open hard to open?"

"No. So I open this door to reveal-"

"This story isn't interesting. I'm leaving." Zeus said, standing up. "And I don't get to sit in my chair. And, I'm very hungry."

"ZEUS!" Hera scrambled out of her chair and unsuccessfully tried to pull Zeus back into his. "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE!"

Zeus took a step away from her. "Yes, I can." He turned to go. But as he took his first steps away from the conference table, Ares stood up, walked over to Zeus, and slung him over his shoulder as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Athena sighed and stood up, giving Zeus his chair. "Okay, you win." She said as Ares dumped Zeus where he rightfully belonged and sat back in his chair.

"But we can't have any food right now," Hera added.

Zeus humphed, but the fear of being Ares' victim again kicked in and he stayed quiet.

"So," Athena said. "I opened the door to reveal a dark room. But, the wall directly in front of me was on fire. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that it spelled out words."

Goddess of Fire

"What does this mean?" Hera asked.

"It means that Hestia is more powerful than we expected. Much, much, much more. She has gone through a metamorphosis, say. She has become the Goddess of Fire. "

hi so this one is unedited please leave comments with edits lol

again don't forget to look at my friends KOTLCWATERGIRL01 and MrSnuggles222 for awesome KOTLC and other content!!

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