Chapter 10

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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains torture that might trigger. You can skip if you want.

Liam's Pov

I stare at the man in front of me. His face was covered but  I could feel his smirk. I was silent, not because I am not strong enough but because I want to kill him in the worst way possible. The pain he gave me and to my Amelia. I will fucking ruin him. 

"You just gonna stare at me or wanna say something?" The man asked with a sarcastic tone. 

When I didn't say anything, he rolls his eyes. How dare him!

"Oh! How rude of me, myself Antony." He says with a spark in his eyes. Of course, it's not his real name. 

"Mmmm" A painful moan comes from behind. Amelia wakes up with a painful expression. From one side of her head, blood was coming. My poor baby. 

My fist tightened as anger builds up inside me. How can I let my baby get hurt!?

Antony chuckles, "Oh babe, you are awake. I missed you."

Amelia glared at him, disguised by him, "Don't you dare call me that." 

I mentally chuckled at her attitude. That's my girl. 

Antony raised an eyebrow, "You are in no position to talk to me like this. Your boyfriend is alive just because of you. And now that everything is under control, let's start the fun."

Antony nods at his men and the men brings some torture tools. The tension in the room was increasing within the time. 

Picking a liquid, Antony moves towards me with small steps. My heartbeat was beating fast. I know what he was going to do. I was scared but I could's do anything. I can't show him that I am scared. So I did what came to my Mind. 

I smirk at him, "You think you can scare me with these little tools? I am the mafia king, this is nothing for me."

Antony removes his mask, I could see his face but only his lips and beard, "Tsk tsk, you are very impatient. Well, I am going to torture you but not yet. Ladies first."

And that's when I lost it. My eye widened when he said that. Only one thing was in my mind, Amelia. 

Satisfied with my reaction, Antony smirks and turns around. He moves towards Amelia with small steps. 

Amelia was still glaring at him in disguise. I had never seen her this anger. Her eyes were blood red and her hands formed a tight fist. She was looking like a wolf ready to attack her prey. 

"You think I am scared?" Amelia asked with a calm voice. She was looking dangerous. Antony paused for a moment. He looked a little scared of her. Her sudden change in behaviour was shocking and scary. 

Amelia chuckles, "Come on little boy, let's see what you can do."

This made Antony angry of course, he will get angry. His ego is bigger than his brain. He goes towards her and two men hold her arms. Antony opens the bottle and says, "This is one of the most dangerous acids. Once it touches your skin, it will burn like fire sweetheart. And your boyfriend won't be able to do anything about it." 

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