Chapter 5: Extinct?

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an: just a note, I am going to be writing in 3rd person for most of the book. mainly to make it easier for me to keep track of characters.

3rd POV

Kaine despised Noveria.

It took less than five minutes for him to come to that conclusion. Not because of the freezing temperatures or the blandness of Port Hanshan, but because of the stuck up, privileged snobs that strutted around with an aura of smug superiority that made him want to punch them in the face... repeatedly. 

After docking and the minor issue with port security, the fireteam had gone through customs where they met with Gianna Parasini who informed them that Benezia had passed through days prior and had gone up to the Peak-15 facility farther up the mountains.

The news was better than good, given Saren's right hand was so close. Liara was even more invested given that it was her mother and she vowed to get answers for everything that had been happening.

Kaine remained behind the group, his helmet scanned over all the rich snobs that passed by. Eyes burning into any who tried to approach. 

"What a bunch of pansies," Wrex grumbled from his spot next to Kaine. The Commander believed it was best for her, Liara and Garrus to talk with the administrator while the two tanks of their team "stood guard" by the door.

Kaine sighed with a nod as another group of businessmen and women walked by sneering at them. Kaine grinned and raised his left arm and flipped them off as Wrex chuckled as the group looked offended and went to confront them. 

"How dare..." one stared only to be interrupted by the sound of the racking of a shotgun made them think better of it and scurried away. 

"You two keeping out of trouble?" Jane asked as she, Liara and Garrus left the office.

"No one's died...yet," grinned Wrex. "How'd things go in there?"

"Anoleis isn't helping us. Gave us the usual bureaucratic garbage and said no one's allowed to Peak-15," said Garrus. "But his assistant told us that there was someone that could help move things along."

The team began to make their way through the district while the Commander talked about the man that was said to help them. A Turian by the name of Lorik Qui'in. Kaine however noticed something.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Out of sight of the crowds, he saw Sargeant Sterling leading a group of Port Hanshan security heading in the same direction. Silently he broke from the group and stealthily followed them. 

meanwhile, with the rest of the team, Jane paused when she saw that they were short one. "Where's Kaine?"

Everyone else looked around, but couldn't find the new member anywhere. 


The elevator that led to Synthetic Insights opened allowing the last three of Sterling's group on board. "Can't believe we're doing this." one of them groaned.

"Hey, we're getting paid to collect evidence. What the Sarge does with it is her business." said another as the doors began to close only for a gloved hand to stop it closing. 

"Sorry, sir. This lift is off-limits for" the guard who spoke was grabbed by the face and dragged onto the elevator. As it ascended, several people could hear the sounds of shouting and grunting before silence. 

When the doors opened again, Kaine stepped out. Leaving the unconscious forms of the guards behind him as he entered the lobby. Two more guards, a human woman and a turian saw his approach and raised weapons. "Halt! This is a restricted area! You need to-" only for Kaine to head butt the turian and slam his fist into the woman's nose. Both dropped unconscious as Kaine stepped over them. 

Reaper's vengeance(mass effect x male OC) book 1 COMPLETEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora