chapter 10: Let the beast out

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Everyone had spread out along the beach as the joint efforts of the STG Regiment and the crew of the Normandy prepared themselves for the imminent assault on Saren's base.

the rest of the Normandy ground team was standing around,  waiting for orders. some conversed privately and others checked their gear. 

Kaine stood with Jane and Captain Kirrahe as they looked over a map readout of the facility two clicks away. "With a stronghold this large, we will need either an orbital strike or enough ordinance to completely destroy it," said Shepard as she pointed to a part of the map. 

"Orbital bombardment wouldn't work," said Kaine as he pointed to several spots within the structure. "Saren has several Geth signal jammers inside to disrupt that. And taking them out one by one will waste time. Coupled with the fact the building itself is built to withstand heavy damage from the outside. We need to take it all out in one final strike."

"We've already come up with the right plan," said Kirrahe. "We've converted our ship's drive system into a twenty-kiloton ordnance. Crude, but effective."

The Salarian pointed at a marked site on the map, "Here, past the breeding sector is the perfect location to place it. Your ship can drop it off, but we need to infiltrate the base while disabling the AA guns and any ground forces first."

"Meeting their forces head-on would be suicidal. Their numbers are greater," said Jane biting her lip. This was bigger than what they anticipated. 

"We might be able to work around that." said the Captain. "I'm going to divide my men into three teams and hit the front of the facility. While we've got their attention you can sneak a shadow team in the back."

"Your men will be slaughtered," said Kaine while looking at the Salarian. Kirrahe gulped at the glare but continued. 

"We're tougher than we look. But it's true. I don't expect many of us to survive the assault. And that makes what I'm going to ask even more difficult." Kirrahe looked at Shepard "I need one of your men to accompany me. To help coördinate the teams."

The rest of the ground team had approached during the conversation. "It's a big risk, but he's right. We're going to need both teams for this plan to work," said Kaidan. "I volunteer."

"Not so fast, LT. You'll be needed in arming the nuke. I'll go with the Salarians." said Ashley.

Kaidan turned to her, "With all due respect, Gunnery Chief, it's not your place to decide."

Ash sighed as she glared at Kaiden. "Why is it that whenever someone says 'with all due respect' they really mean 'kiss my ass'?" Kaine giggled a little at the remark but said nothing after getting a glare from Ashley

"Both of these two will do. Both seem willing to sacrifice their lives if necessary, though if we are lucky, such sacrifices won't be required," said Kirrahe.

Kaine kept looking at the map till he tapped his knuckles against it, drawing the attention of the others. "I have a better idea," he said catching their attention. "Instead of one, we'll send two in each group. The Captain said that there will be three teams of his troops, an additional man leading the last team will help improve their odds. And while the other  team enters the back, we can disable any and all the advantages that the Geth might have, maybe even take down the lab altogether."

Jane nodded, "I like it." she looked at the team. "Williams, Garrus, you two are going with Kirrahe and his men. No heroics, understand?" Ashley and Garrus both nodded.

Reaper's vengeance(mass effect x male OC) book 1 COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora