Chapter 2

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I walk into biology looking around as I see Axel leaning against a wall with a lot of people, most of girls standing around him

Yay life, note the sarcasm.

I walk to my seat hoping he doesn't see me when the teacher walks in dropping his bag at the desk loudly for everyone to pay attention

"Good morning class, take a seat please" the teacher says as everyone does Axel walks to a table in the back of the class with all the girls looking at him and flirting with him

"For those who're new and have no idea who I am, I'm Ms. Wilson and give biology to freshmen and kind of every class" he says

"We ain't freshmen!" someone yells "I know that" Ms. Wilson says looking angry

He starts doing the absences while I'm just looking around at what everyone's name is he calls me "Jennifer Miller?"

I stick my hand out slowly "Present.." I say quietly while everyone is looking at me whispering and talking to each other as I notice Axel's eyes burning into me I look back into his dark green eyes I immediately look away "Silence!" the teacher calls

After a horrible biology class I walk through the hallway as everyone looks and gossips about me

I get to my locker quickly grabbing my bag slamming it closed

I walk past Blake grabbing his wrist pulling him away from his friends "Damn Miller, calm down" he says stopping me "What's wrong?" he asks "Why does everyone hate the fact I'm Zane's sister? And why does everyone keep telling me to stay away from that Axel guy!" I say

"I knew Zane couldn't handle it" he mumbles "What?" I ask

"Listen Miller, Zane and Axel aren't exactly the best duo and there's a whole history behind it" he says "Well why does everyone knows about that?" I say looking at everyone in the hallway still looking at me "Because Axel likes talking shit about people" he shrugs

"Okay and why is everyone so shocked about the fact that he has a sister?" I finally ask "He doesn't talk about you a lot" he says "Great, just great!" I say resting my head in my hands

"They'll forget this in a day, I promise" Blake says "It's my first day and everything is going terrible!"

"It's not your fault Miller, this school isn't really the best" he says making me laugh "I see" I say "Okay hurt" he mocks

"You said it yourself!" I say hitting his chest "Fine, fine" he says "I got soccer practice, but I'll see you later" he says before leaving

I take a deep breath as I remember if Blake got soccer practice Zane does too, so I have to wait for him! An whole fucking hour!

I grab my map looking for the gym as I found it I sit down at a little bench looking at all the boys of the soccer team when I look closer I notice Axel running after the ball with his sweaty messy hair all over his face

"Fuck me" I mutter "Alright boys, have a little break!" the coach calls

Zane walks up to me grabbing his water bottle "Sup loser" he says "Oh nothing much, just that my first day went horrible because of you" I smile sarcastically "And why is that?" he says "Because apparently you have this big fight with Axel and no one knew you had a sister" I snap

I notice the team looking at me, also Axel.. As the coach walks up to us, "Can you have this little family reunion somewhere else? he says in a harsh tone "I'm sorry.." I say quietly "Keep her quiet Miller" the coach says tapping his back

"See what I mean?" I say pointing at him "Alright yes I do, but why would I talk about you?" he says "Just shut up"

He walks back to his friends as there's a big shadow I look up facing Axel..

Please. Kill. Me.

"Are you spying on me, Miller?" he says "What? No! Absolutely not" I say "I'm here for my-" I say as he interrupts me "Great excuse" he smirks "It isn't a excuse I'm here for my brother" I say crossing my arms over my chest "Zane, hm?" he says looking at him "He's terrible at soccer, and with girls" he says turning to me again "Instead of him, I'm great with girls" he winks at you before getting back to the team

I'm shocked about what he just said, what does he mean by that?

After Zane was finally done with his soccer practice we got home, I throw my bag at the floor groaning "Today was terrible" I say "It wasn't that big of a deal" Zane says "Not that big of a deal? Everyone looked at me!" I spit "So what? You're new! They don't know you!" he says "It's not because I'm new! It's because of you!" I say

"I did nothing wrong!" he says as I sit on the couch covering my face with my hands "Mom would agree with me" he says "Don't talk about mom" I say "You know I'm right" he says "Don't talk about mom!" I snap

I run upstairs tears falling down my cheeks as I slam my bedroom door closed wiping away the tears while I look in the mirror

"Jenn.." I hear Zane say after knocking on my door as he gets in sitting down next to me on my bed "Jenn i'm sorry" he says "It's fine" I shrug my shoulders "Mom wouldn't pick a side" he says wrapping his arm around me

The next morning I wake up turning off my alarm stretching a bit walking up to my closet grabbing a tank top and a skirt getting to the bathroom

"Morning" Zane says before yawning "Good morning" I say

I get down the stairs grabbing a apple quickly putting on my shoes "Zane!" I yell "I'm coming!" he says while I hear his footsteps on the stairs

When we finally arrived at school I took a deep breath, ready for what was waiting for me inside that doors

I walk in next to Zane already feeling uncomfortable as Blake walks up to us greeting Zane with a handshake, "Sup Miller" he says nodding a greet to me "Hey" I say "So first things first, I heard Julie is in town?" Blake says smirking at Zane

I remember Julie, she and Zane used to date in freshmen but broke up because she got casted for a movie in Hollywood, she always was a 'superstar' or for how you could call it

"I don't care dude" he says "C'mon man, just like old days" Blake says hitting his chest "We grew up, I was a nerd with acne back then" Zane says opening his locker "So what?" he says "No. Fucking. Way" he smiles annoyed

"Julie is cool" I say "See? Jenn got my back" Blake says wrapping his arm around my shoulders "I don't care what you think, besides what's the chance she's going to see me? She's an Hollywood superstar, get your mind out of the gutter" he says

"Oh come on! Julie liked you even with the acne and nerdy act, she would probably do now" Blake says

We walk further into the hallway as I turn around walking backwards to face them "I agree, not that you've been getting any prettier, but-" I say as I bump in to a hard wall with my back "Fuck" I mumble turning around looking into Axel's green eyes

This is not a wall..

Chapter 2!

I've been getting a lot of followers lately, I wanna thank everyone! :)

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