Chapter 4

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~ AXEL ~

I look at her as she quickly looks away, ever since Zane's little sister came to our school everything's changed, they keep talking about how cool it is that Miller got a sibling. What the fuck is so special about that?

Zane and I never were the best with each other, I just can' t stand him.

"Becks you're on the couch!" coach calls out as I sigh walking up to the bench Jennifer's sitting, she looks up at me with her light brown eyes, just like Zane.

"If you trying to get my attention, you can just talk to me love" I smirk sitting down next to her, I love how I'm annoying her and I love it even more seeing Zane getting mad

"Never over my dead body" she says "That truly hurts me" I mock covering my chest with my hand while she rolls her eyes at me

If she keeps doing that I'll make her eyes roll because of something else.

"Becks in, Marrow out!" coach calls again "Was a pleasure to talk to you, sweetheart" I wink before running up the field

After practice I got to my car leaning against it while putting a cigarette between my lips lighting it up, I puff on it looking around a little as I see Jennifer and Zane walking to their car

"You're being so dramatic!" I hear her say

Whatever they're talking about, I don't wanna get into it. I continue puffing on my cigarette as she finally notices me her brown eyes flickering over my body

I send her a quick wink before watching her get in to the car driving away, I got every chick in my grade so far, well almost everyone. This one seems to play hard to get, but we'll get there, sometime.

After I got in to my car I arrived at Liam's house, he asked me to come over because there's this party going on. Honestly I'm not in the mood but whatever

"Yo man" he greets me "Wassup Becks" Blake says "Hey bro" I say as Liam walks over to the kitchen probably getting wasted I step closer by Blake "I saw the Millers discussing" I say sipping my drink "So what?" he says "Don't know, figured you were there little dog so maybe you know why" I shrug

"Even if I did, why would you care?" He asks "I couldn't care less, but it seems fun messing with them" I smirk at the thought

"You're a dick" he says hitting my shoulder "I've been called worse" I roll my eyes

After a few hours it's been getting pretty busy, almost our whole school is here I think. I get to the bar as I see Jennifer walk in, wearing a tight red dress making her boobs pop out just above her knees

Fuck that's hot.

I shake my head out of my thoughts taking a sip of my drink, she's a Miller. I can't like her

Well practically it isn't liking her, just a quick fuck wouldn't hurt anyone.. would it?

I get another drink as I see her stand by a little friend group, is that Marcus? The fuck is he doing?

Marcus is my brother, well step brother. My mom got married with some old dude and apparently he has a son and that's Marcus. We don't have the same last name even tho my mom wanted it I really did not want my last name to be 'Ashwood'

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