Ghosts of the Past

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Azula looked up to her lover's face and saw him still sleeping, perhaps even dreaming. One look under the bedsheet made her sure he was likely dreaming about her. She smiled and decided to bring him to an even more pleasant reality. Hachiman slowly stirred when she began kissing his neck and opened his eyes fully when she tenderly bit his earlobe.

„Good morning my dragon." she said in a sweet voice.

It took him a moment to awake more fully and take in her words. Once he was sure he heard them right he responded in small wonder:

Dragon? I'm not even a firebender, was I really that fierce last night?"

„You showed the appropriate eagerness, you'll learn."

„Does that mean?..."

„That you'll get the chance to grow better? Yes." she said with an almost devilish smirk that brought a similar one to Hachiman's face too. He responded half jokingly:

„Does that make us a happy couple?"

„I'm not sure if happiness is in the cards for either of us, but we can be miserable together and enjoy it."

Azula spoke in a voice that somehow sounded cold and passionate at the same time. Hachiman couldn't resist expressing his inner nature either and said:

„That does sound almost rational and realistic... still feels weird though, being really liked by a woman and all..."

Azula decide that the best way to reassure and quiet him was not to share how her new reality on the outside felt like a strange dream too. Rather she just kissed him and let their lips linger on each other's for a long moment. They parted them only once she felt him get breathless. She said:

„Well, if you want proof, I can give you some. Right. Now."

She moved on top of him and proceeded to give him another „lesson". As it went on her „student" suddenly improvised by hugging her close to him and turning her on her back with gentle force. Azula couldn't say she was unhappy or unimpressed by it.

Eventually, they did leave the room, but not without reluctance. Fortunately and conveniently, Ursa had breakfast already prepared for all three of them. Her joy was obvious, as was her struggle to remain discreet. Luckily, she did manage to stick to just the normal pleasantries, like asking Hachiman about his life and plans.

As the plates began to empty, Hachiman cleared his throat and said to the two women around him:

„I think convention compels me to thank you for this meal. You're both invited to my house for lunch, or dinner, whichever suits you more."

Azula looked to him and said: „I'd like to decline if possible, at least for today. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and there's enough to process already. Your family can judge whether I'm good enough for you on another day."

Hachiman smiled and responded: „I think they will ask you to explain by what miracle you chose me."

His new lover gave him an amused look and said: „I don't feel like having my judgment or sanity questioned either."

They both just looked at each other until neither of them could keep a straight face. Once the moment passed, Hachiman added:

„Alright. The offer still stands though. I also heard you were looking for friends. I have some people in my life who kinda count as such. I can introduce you to them before they go on their own paths. They're mostly girls, dunno if that's a plus to you or not."

Azula thought of an „appropriate" response and said:

„That could be fun. Not sure if you are prepared for it though. Once they see me holding your hand, or doing more, they might suddenly start confessing how they always liked you."

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