Chapter 18 - "Bakugou I'm..."

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After I calmed myself down enough, I folded the paper as neatly as I could and tucked it away in my pocket.

Completely forgetting about my homework, I scrambled to find my phone and began frantically typing.

"Hey can we talk?"

Too casual. Erased.

"Are you awake?"

Too thirsty. Erased.

"I'm really sorry Katsuki I didn't mean it like that."

Too forward. Erased.

Once I realized that none of my texts were good enough, I decided that I needed to bite the bullet and go face him. That's the only way I could make him listen to me anyways.

I stood outside of his door for a good 3 minutes before getting enough confidence to knock. As soon as I did, his voice blared through the wood in an annoyed shout.

"Kirishima you were just here, what do you want?"

I could hear him walking closer to the door as he spoke, and right at the end of his question he opened it. We were faced to face.

"Oh," he said bluntly, beginning to close the door

Just seeing the way he looked at me was almost enough to make me cry. His eyes that were usually so bright and lively lacked any kind of emotion. He looked like the definition of indifference and that crushed me.

As he was closing the door on my face, I managed to quickly slip into his dorm room.

"Uraraka get the hell out of here," he said, blankly. Even his voice was just so tired.

"I just want to talk," I explained, my voice vibrant enough for the both of us. I need him to understand that this is important to me.

"Well I don't," he said, letting the door fall shut and crossing his arms like a child.

Like before, I decided that the only way I could get him to really truly listen to me was to use my quirk, so I lunged at him without another word.

Just as the pads of my fingers were about to touch his arm, he managed to grab hold of both of my hands behind my back. It was so quick that I couldn't even process it until my chest was flush against his now closed door and he flatly said "no."

I weirdly felt relieved at his hold on me. We were touching again. That's something... right?

"I didn't mean what I said," I cried out, ignoring the situation we were in.

"I don't care," he said. I could tell now that he was actively trying to come off as colder than usual.

"Yes you do," I said, relaxing my body into his and no longer struggling against his restraint. "And even if you don't, I care, okay?"

He didn't say anything else as we stood there, my wrists still clasped in his warm hands.

"Bakugou I'm.." I started



So lonely without you

Tired of ignoring you

"I'm over Midoriya," I said, confessing my feelings for him in the only way I knew how.

"Great," he said, letting me go and walking over to his bed. "So I don't have to pretend to be your boyfriend anymore."

"No!" I said, realizing he's taking this the exact opposite way of what I meant.

This time I ran up on him and touched his the back of his arm, but before he started floating away, he grabbed onto me for stability.

So I made myself weightless too and we both floated up to the ceiling.

"Listen to me," I commanded, but he rolled his eyes like I expected him to.

"I've been over Midoriya for a while now," I said, hoping maybe this would click for him.

And when he just closed his eyes and pushed himself off of the ceiling I finally said it. I just blurted it out.

"Bakugou, I'm in love with you," I shouted, releasing both of us. He was close to the bed and I could control my fall.

And at my confession, he stared at me blankly, and then just turned around and left. He left his own dorm room after I told him that I loved him. Just left me sitting on his bed, eyes watering, and heart shattered.

He doesn't feel the same way...

712 words
Just you wait <3

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