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I'm just posting all my note ones first because I wanna share those in not just my friend group

anyway, plot for this one : Wilbur and schlatt long distance besties


"Cmon princess~ you've been editing for an hour now"
"No i gotta finish this-"
Wilbur and schlatt had been best friends ever since they both step foot in year 3. The moment they saw eachother they knew something special was gonna come out of this. 18 years later and they're on call together, Wilbur still in Britain whilst Schlatt was now in America, where his parents had made him move to. Despite the long distance, the country rivalry, the college work and other things, their friendship stayed quite firm, with no plans of ending. Other than the occasional flirting the 2 did, which for most would be obvious that they had crushes on eachother, the two were oblivious and stayed friends. Neither of them seemed to get the hint.
"You've been stressed as hell Schlatt you need a break"
"No i-"
His sentence was interrupted by a yawn
"I'm fine Wil-"
Schlatt had stayed up for the past few nights editing a video, Wilbur had stayed on call with him as much as he could to make sure he was taking breaks, which he sadly  wasn't, not much to Wilbur's surprise.
"You gotta sleep eventually"
"I'll sleep once I'm done-"
The ram would constantly yawn and rub his eyes, trying to finish up the video whilst the brit constantly scolded him for not even considering a small pause. Wilbur had stopped looking at the video call on which schlatt could be seen, switching to an airport website, scrolling mindlessly whilst continuing with his scolding of his friend.
"Seriously schlatt, if you don't sleep ill fly to America and I'll make you go to sleep myself, you hear me?"
As he said those words, he promptly clicked on the 'buy tickets' button, his flight now booked. He'd been saving up for this for a while and now with a good reason on why he should fly to America, he can leave.
"Yeah yeah whatever you say loverboy"
"Im not kidding dude. You've gotta sleep someday. It's not healthy and considering you only post like once a year your fans won't be that angry if you're a little late-"
Wilbur has decided that repeating the same things over and over again was becoming pointless. He was on the verge of giving up. If schlatt rejected sleeping one more time-
"Schlatt? Hello? can you hear me?"
A quiet snore could be heard from the other end. Wilbur clicks back onto discord only to be faced with schlatt, lying on his table, asleep. The brunette couldn't help but smile. It seems his point got through. He'll stay on call a little longer to make sure Schlatt sleeps for at least and hour or two, even if that means staying up all night for him. Since Wilbur was in Britain, it was roughly 3am for him and 8pm for schlatt, So once schlatt wakes up it'll be around midday in Britain. Wil wouldn't mind waiting for him, plus, the sleeping ram did look quite adorable, If only he could pick him and and take him to bed so he'd sleep comfortably...Maybe it was better this way...
he clicks onto twitter and tweets

Wilbur @Wilbur soot
Just booked my ticket to NYC, can't wait :)

Now he just needs to wait a week... just one week.

and then maybe he'll be happy. Maybe he'll change his mind about the constant wishing of a rope around his neck. Just maybe.

did ya like this short ass thing? I definitely did not add the edgy part at the end because I got bored.

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