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thank you FreckledFanficFreak for the idea >:)

Let's admit, there was no way either man assumed this is how they'd get closer.
In all honesty, a more likely situation would've been talking it out whilst staying over at the others place, not in an elevator.

"How the fuck did this happen again?"

"you jumped."

"Me!? more like you-"

So, to summarise for you poor souls, Johnathan schlatt and his dear friend Wilbur soot decided to meet up in Brighton to get to know eachother not through a screen. As they were going up the elevator to Wilbur's apartment, the elevator gave up and stopped. And now? the two are stuck, arguing. 

"Wil- just let it go we'll be fine soon"

Schlatt had been trying to end the yelling for a few minutes but Wilbur was set on continuing.

"No we won't! I swear this was a bad idea- fucks sake"


though he wouldn't admit it, these words hurt the american. He had always liked being around Wilbur and hearing him call their meetup a bad idea made him a little upset.

a quiet whisper escapes schlatt's lips 

"...sorry...i shouldn't have came here-" 

Wilbur slowly turns to look at his friend, not expecting to see tears from his eyes. schlatt was a strong willed man and he'd never heard (nevermind seen) him cry. He had to process what he was seeing before he could go to Schlatt and hug him slowly and carefully

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it..."

it was easy to forget how easily john can crack. He never showed anything other than strength to others.

For a minute or two, Wilbur was calming schlatt down before even attempting to talk for him

"well...as we wait might as well talk right?"

a small 'mhm' came from the shorter

So they talked

and talked

and talked

until they had nothing left to talk about.



it's shit but take it anyway

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