Movie Date

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After school laila was on her way walking home
Thinking about Yeonjun.

I've always had deep feelings for him. Why not confess. I can't do that now. How emebarassing. We're friends. These feelings will pass one day.

Laila thoughts were driving her crazy

So she went to the movie theaters undercover
Just to see what happens

Meanwhile, Yeonjun and Afeefa were taking their seats in the movie theater
Waiting for the movie to start

Laila wearing a black leather jacket with her hair in a bun, wearing a cap, and had drawn on a beard
Sat in a seat right behind them

"So do you have a boyfreind." Yeonjun asked afeefa
"No, I've never had a boyfreind." afeefa smiled
"Oh" Yeonjun said

"Yea quiet surprising right. Everyone's dated somone and I'm just here." Afeefa giggled

"You have a girlfriend right" afeefa said
"Me, no" Yeonjun said shaking his head

"What about laila? You guys seem so close" afeefa said

*COUGH, COUGH,COUGH* laila started to choke and exaggerated her coughs

Afeefa and Yeonjun turned around to look

"Oh sorry, excuse me I just got dust in my through ha ha" laila said in a deep voice, slapping her hand around to get the dust out of the way
"Oh no we're just childhood friends nothing more. I don't think she would ever have a crush on me." Yeonjun laughed

"Have you had a crush on her" Afeefa asked

"Me, I won't lie. At one point I did. But o didn't want to ruin our friendship so I never brought it up and just got over it." Yeonjun said

"WHAT!" Laila yelled
Both Yeonjun and afeefa jumped up getting scared and looked back

"Oh I I I I thought the movie started. Don't mind me" laila said in her deep voice

Afeefa and Yeonjun went back to talking

"But how did you know you would ruin it. It's not good to hide your feelings. Your only hurting yourself." Afeefa said

"Wow I really didn't expect this. I never knew he felt that way." Laila thought to her self
In a way she felt bad for coming to the theaters and hearing all of that. So she got up and went home

Yeonjun stayed quiet not knowing what to say
As the movie started they both turned around to see the movie


After the movie Yeonjun walked Afeefa home

"Thank you for today it felt nice." Afeefa said walking
"Yes of course." Yeonjun said

"Oh it's cold huh" Yeonjun said as the breeze hit them
"Yea" afeefa smiled

Yeonjun took off his sweater and put it around afeefa shoulders

"Oh thank you" afeefa said.

They finally reached afeefa house

"So I'll see you tommarow at school then" Yeonjun said

"Yea see you then" afeefa said looking at eachother in the eyes

Yeonjun leaned over and kissed Afeefa on the cheek
And walked off

Afeefa stood in shock and put her hand on her cheek as they started burning up

She smiled to her self and ran inside


Walking home Yeonjun noticed laila's house and her room light still on

He went on the lawn and picked up a few pepples and threw them at her window

"What the hell is that" laila said to herself getting up and opening the window

"OWWWWWW" laila yelled as one rock hit her forehead

"Oh sorry" Yeonjun laughed

"What are you even doing here" laila said

"I don't know. I just saw you were awake so" Yeonjun said

"So you came to throw a rock at me" laila said

"Yea" Yeonjun still laughed

"Arnt you supposed to be on a date" laila said

"I just dropped her home. Why are you jeeeellllooouse" Yeonjun's aid exaggerating the word

"Yea, Maby I was, and so what if I was" laila said

"Huh" Yeonjun whole expression changed and went serious

Laila bursted out laughing

"I'm laughing, what's your face, you actually believed I was jelous of you" laila pointed at him

"Huh no" Yeonjun felt embarrassed

"BOI I don't like your stanky face" laila laughed

"Like I would ever like yours." Yeonjun said

"Yea, yea whatever." Laila said

"Okay goodnight" Yeonjun waved

"Goodnight" laila said as she closed the window and sat with her back against the wall

Why did he go so serious when I told him I was jelous. Does he actually care. Who knows

Laila's thoughts were back

Sweet FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin