She doesnt like Me

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A few days pasted by and everything seemed to be going fine

Laila and Yeonjun were in good terms
Yeonjun and afeefa were getting to know eachother more and we're getting closer by the day

Sat at lunch Laila and Yeonjun were sat talking and hanging out

"Okay if I win you pay for dinner" laila said to Yeonjun
"Why would I pay for dinner. What if I win then what." Yeonjun said
"Then you still pay" laila laughed
"Nuh uh. Then you pay. You make no sense" Yeonjun fought back
"Okay okay go" laila said putting her hand out

"Ro sham Bo" the both said

Laila hand scissors and Yeonjun papers

"HA I win Loser" laila said sticking her tounge out at Yeonjun

"No no that doesn't count you have to do it three time." Yeonjun said

"Nuh uh. Your lying who even does it three times." Laila argued

"EVERYONE" Yeonjun yelled

"Stop being a crybaby, I'll message you the list of food I want." Laila said

"LIST, I'm not pooping out money" Yeonjun said

"Well now you gotta try pooping it out. Cuz I want a good dinner." Laila said rubbing her tummy

"Mahjdhzmamha" Yeonjun mimicked her making a face

"HEY GUYS" afeefa came up to the table smiling and happy

"Hey baby" Yeonjun said scooting over making space for afeefa

"Well you guys have fun, I'm gunna get going. See you later." Laila said to Yeonjun

"Yea see ya I guess" yeonjun rolled his eyes

Afeefa was looking at laila as she walked off

"Why does she never want to talk to me. She's always running off when I come" afeefa said

"Really, I don't know. Maby she doesn't like you" Yeonjun said taking a bite of his sandwich

"Really" afeefa got worried

"No not really, why wouldn't she like you you. What's there not to like." Yeonjun said

"Because she likes you" afeefa said

"Why do you keep saying that. It's not true" Yeonjun said getting annoyed

"Because I can see it. And I don't want any drama" afeefa said

"Your the only one creating drama" Yeonjun said

Afeefa got quiet getting awkward

"Sorry" afeefa then felt bad

"No it's fine. I just don't know why you always say that." Yeonjun said

"I'm sorry" afeefa apologized again

"Hey, I'll talk to her if you need confirmation. I'll ask about her feelings. But there's nothing. I already know. But for you I'll ask" Yeonjun said

"Okay" afeefa said


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS" Yeonjun yelled at himself

"Is she human. How is she going to eat all this food alone." Yeonjun thought

He gave the order, and headed towards laila house

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