Chapter one

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Being a goddess has it's many perks. For instance King Odin of Asguard invited me to come visit him, and that's where I'm headed at this moment.
Now of course I'm not really a goddess, but I go by Tonita Goddess of purses. I rate purses and match them with just the right outfit. Besides the fame and fortune I'm just about the same as the next person.
When I arrived in a Asguard, I was quickly took to a grand throne room. The room had a big gold throne in the center. On it was an old man with grey hair and a gold eye patch over his left eye. To his right was a very handsome man. He had long blonde hair and looked very fit. A little bit behind the throne was another attractive man. He had black hair and he looked much skinnier than the blonde one.
"Hello, I am Odin," the old man said.
"I am Tonita of Mid-Guard," I replied with a bow.
"It is a pleasure to have you in my palace."
"Well thank you for inviting me."
"I would like to introduce you to my son."
The blonde walked towards me. He kissed my hand a said, "I'm Thor, god of thunder. And it is pleasure to meet you."
"Well I'm just Tonita."
Thor and Odin were talking but I tuned them out. I was curious about the other man. After thinking for a while I came to the conclusion that he was probably just a nicely dressed servant.
I got a bit bored so I decided I'll have a look around. "Excuse me, where is the restroom?" I asked.
"It's down the hall to the right," Odin replied. With a nod I hurried out of the room.
I didn't get very far before I was stopped by the black haired guy. "I am Loki of Asguard and I'm burdened with glorious....." He didn't get to finish.
"Purpose?" I cut in annoyed that I was being interrupted.
"Excuse me?"
"What is your purpose?"
"Since Odin decided not to introduce me I decided to introduce myself," he said with a chuckle.
"No offence, but why would he introduce a servent?"
"Me! A servant?!?"
"If your not a servent, then who are you?"
"I am Loki god of mischief and lies. The son of Odin and I'm burdened with glorious power."
"Ha! So much power he didn't bother to introduce you?"
"I've always used that phrase. What should I was instead?" He said with a hurt expression.
Instantly feeling bad I said, "purpose."
"You could say you were burdened with glorious purpose."
"I like that! I will use that next time I meet someone," he replied with a grin.
"I'm glad I could be of assistance."
"And you Tonita, what are you burdened with?"
"Well you could say I am burdened with glorious purses." And with that I walked off.
Well that is my one-shot. I may or may not make more.

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