Chapter Two

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After wondering around the palace for about thirty minutes, I came to the conclusion that I was lost. I remeber one time I got lost at Wal-Mart and I just sat and waited where I was until my mom found me. So I decided to try that method again.
Right before I sat down I saw Loki moving towards me. "Lost?" He smirked.
"No," I scoffed.
"Whatever," he said rolling his eyes.
"Now why are you bugging me?" I asked.
"Frigga told me to show you to your quarters," He replied and then started walking off.
"Slow down!" I exclaimed, " Not everyone can be as tall as you, I have midget legs!" He just kept walking completely ignoring me. "Ugh!" I groaned trying to keep up.
When we got to the room he opened the door and said, "Here is your room, I'm right across from you if you need anything," and then left.
I shut the door and looked around the room. It was extremely elegant, exactly what you would expect out of a palace quarters. It had a lovely canopy bed with silky golden sheets and a closet full of Asguardian clothes. To the right of the room there was a huge bathroom fit for a princess. And to the left there was a balcony overlooking the courtyard.
I layed down on the bed and I was out like a light. I guess I never relized how tired I was.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone moving around in my room. I shot up i my bed wondering what theh were doing. "Sorry Lady Tonita," a middle aged woman said closing my suitcase, "I didn't mean to startle you."
"It fine, but who are you?" I asked. "And what were you doing in my suitcase?"
"Oh sorry Lady Tonita, I'm Agatha, your maid. And I was just putting away your stuff." She replied.
"First off please call me Tonita, none of that lady stuff. Second why is all this stuff here? I was only planning on staying for a week." I answered.
"Well I'm not quite sure why this is all here but I do know that the Queen requests your presents in her room." She said
"Ok," I said as I walked down the hall towards the Queens room.
When I came to the hall which the rooms were in, I saw two doors. I didn't really know which was Frigga's and which was who ever else was in this wing of the palace, so I took a wild guess and opened they door closest to me.
"Ahh!" I screamed when I saw a shirtless Thor in that room. My cheeks blushed a bright red as I closed the door. "Sorry!" I exclaimed, " I thought that it was your mom's room."
I herd a deep chuckle come from behind the door, "It's fine Lady Tonita." I shook my head and moved to the next door,
This time I knocked on the door, not wanting to walk in on a shirtless Odin or something. "Come in!" I herd. So I turned the door knob ad walked in, Frigga motioned for me to come amd sit in the bed.
"Um, you needed me," I said.
"Yes, I would like to discuss your stay," she replied.
"I was thinking about staying for about a week or so."
"Would you consider staying longer?"
"It depends, how long and why?"
"Maybe for a few months, and just because I think it'll be fun!"
"Ok, I'll stay longer. But you do know that I only brought enough clothing for a week."
"You'll be wearing Asguardian clothing, not that Mid-Guardian stuff."
"Ok, is that all you needed me for?"
"Yes, you may leave now." I nodded my head and walked off. I'm not quite sure what I was going to do with my time. So I decided to take a shower.
I was slipping in my undergarments, when Loki opened my door, "Lady Tonita, I hav...." That's when my shirt went flying at his face.
"Come back later, I'm occupied at the moment," I said.
"I have someth..."
"Leave!" I yelled.
With a growl he turned and left mumbleing something under his breath. I swear that guy has no respect for anyone.
After I got changed I headed to Loki's room, I knocked on the door. He opened the door, "yes." He asked.
"You needed to tell me something?" I replied.
"Oh yes, Frigga wants me to show you around Asguard," he stated.
"Ok, is Thor coming?" I asked.
"No," He scoffed, "Thor has to prepare for his big coronation tomorrow."
"Oh, ok." I said.
"I get it, you wanted the mighty Thor to show you around didnt you? Everbody loves Thor right? Why would you want to spend time with Loki?" He said rasing his voice and comimg closer towards me,
I put to fingers on his chest and pushed him away.
"First off, you need to calm down and not yell at me. Second maybe if you didnt act like this people would like you more," I told him.
"How dare you speak to me like that! You are a mortal, I am a God!" Loki shouted.
"An rude annoying God," I muttered.
"Lets get going," he grumbled.
I decided to make a second part to it. This story will only have three parts. It will just be a short book.

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