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A random premade I wanted to do

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So, I wanted to practice making object-based covers after I finished the default cover for The Crow Club [which, by the way, is a random name] So I decided that what better to make than diamonds? [Actually that may or may not be a lie *nervous laughter* I was staring at my diamond earrings so I decided to make it diamond themed] I wanted to go for the same dark, espionage theme as the crow club, so I reused the picture of the iron and the crack overlay from the previous cover. Another reason for this decision is my laziness to go looking for resources at 9pm. I decided to add moss on top of the diamond because I thought that the cover was lacking elements and I thought that the moss would push that heisting, adventure vibe that I was going for with this cover. That's all for now, so uh, bye you guys~~~ [who even reads this?]

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