The fire

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Francis POV
Tw: Deaths and mentions of death
No no no no no please let her be ok. I don't think I'd stand it if she...died...

This was the only thing running through Francis's mind as he ran inside the burning building. Ignoring Hawthornes yells for him to stop running towards the fire and leave it to the professionals.

Francis stopped when he heard that. He turned around slowly and glared at Hawthorne. "Leave it to the professionals?" Francis spat and Hawthorne winced. "Why would I leave it to the professionals when the love of my life is dying right now!? Hawthorne you don't understand! You haven't loved someone like I have!" Francis panted for breath as he watched Hawthorne stare at him for the longest time before be he clenched his fist and death-glared Francis.

"I wouldn't know what it's like to love someone for a long time? Well let me tell you dear that I do love someone. I've loved them longer then you've loved that girlfriend of yours. Wanna know who I like Francis?" Francis shrinked down and only nodded a bit. He'd never seen this side of Hawthorne. Normally he was more calm and confident and never seemed to get angry.

Hawthorne laughed bitterly. "Of course you do. But why Francis? Why do you wanna know my crush when your girlfriend is possibly dead?" Francis thought about this for a moment while Hawthorne watched the fire, his eyes looked down at Francis and his eyes seemed to flicker with some kind of emotion but it was gone. "Well?"

Francis took a deep breath, glancing at the fire then back at Hawthorne. "I'd like to know."

Hawthorne studyed him for a while, battling in his mind whether or not this was a good idea or not. Hawthorne hated it when he speaks without thinking.

"Francis my long time crush and the person I love is you-"

Before Hawthorne could finish his sentence, police officers ran over to them and told them that they had to leave. Francis looked up at the officer, panic taking over his body as he asked how Stella was. The officer grimaced and looked away sadly for a second and turned back to Francis and Hawthorne and sighed.

The next words were like a bomb went off inside Francis as he stood there numb and every thing became blurry and quiet.

"I'm sorry for your lose."

Sorry for such a short chapter, and for the late updates. I've just been hella busy and it's annoying and I ran out of data too so that helped lol

The other chapters will be longer, I promise

And I will get a update schedule sorted out too

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