Chapter 16 Levels

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There were no tall sky scraping buildings, no world disasters.

Reika was in a room facing a glass balcony door, with three people from the meeting. They were called Kin, why she had no idea.

"This, this right here, is the first reality before more worm holes, and dimensions were created or discovered."
The lean black haired lady didn't look at all stern in normal lighting.
"The Developers World is like the outside of the Field, which actuallyyy we're in the Field but below it." Her voice was crisp.
The two pudgy guys dressed in casual wear left the room.

"Where're we going?"
She drew nearer to the glass doors of a balcony, her parents had owned a house with one.
Golden rays spread across her face, warm and cozy, she had missed that feeling.
"Come with us, I can't answer but you'll see for sure." The lady's eyes reassured her.

Reika buried a deep sigh, chasing after them as they made their way to the front door.
Skirting around the wood and material furnishings, a wind of homesickness hit her.

Outside there were scattered homes and to the rear of them a town.
They raced in formation across the bumpy land.
No one spoke, they had grit to reach their destination and from the pace, licketysplit.

The more they pushed the weightier the atmosphere hung on their shoulders.
The guy in the grey hoodie at the head of the line blinked out of exsistance.
The other two with keen eyes continued racing into the flaring sunset.
Didn't they care? Was there nothing to worry about? Maybe not enough time?

"Stop! Stop!"
For the first time she heard the other mans voice, it matched his androgynous features.

The lady planted her hands on her hips. Her breathing was short.
"It's collapsing. Something's wrong, it's way too shouldn't be falling, this spiritual level-." 

He stopped himself before saying anything else, glancing nervously over at Reika a few feet away, not wanting her to hear.

She plugged her ears and hummed loudly, who cared what they had to say anyway.
Dying of thirst and cotton mouth, the Kin decided to take a short cut.
Bending forward they ran like huskies against a sled on rough terrain.

Than a glitch took place, revealing why the atmosphere was burdening them.

Reika from an upward view took in the dome, before in a fraction of a second it vanished.
They were in a vast field. The earth was being crushed in specific areas by massive mechanical  machines that rolled over.
There was no sun, it was black, so much so she failed to see with her night vision.

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.

John 3:20

The verse was a flashlight in a pit. She swam into another wormhole, floating as she processed the meanings.
Could they be in Grain's reality, just how Flames had said group B wore a mask?

Brilliant light wrecked all sense of being. In the Source she saw plans being performed, being created, being completed, but it was all done no matter the work put it. Accomplished from the very start.
Her heart melted like wax in the pure love of this dimension.
Hovering she slipped back to the Mother reality, to the Field.
Words instilled in her soul,

"Follow what they say, start your work."
Reika awoke at the oval table, in the Project Study. Sabrina was there.

None of it had been real, but at the same time, it had, on a spiritual level.

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