Chapter one:New begining

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I opened my diamond-Blue eyes and Sighed Still tired.
"OUCH!BLOODY HELL!!!"I cried as i hit my head on the ceiling.
"You ok Bro?"My sis asked as she looked at the top bunk where i was laying down rubbing my head.I nodded my head and climbed down to my sister and helped her make her hair into a ponytail.She hugged me as she ran downstairs.
My phone rang as i took my shirt off.
"helooo?"i said answering the call.
"HEY BES-....BOI PUT A SHIRT ON!"Lola screamed through the phone.
"OK CHILL!"I screamed back and walked to my closet.Hmmm maybe this will be good..I took a white button up short and jeans and put them on as      Lola kept on talking bout her weekend.
"Oh and your coming to MY SCHOOLLLLL!!!!!"
"Coo-Wait..WHAT?!"I yelled as my mother came upstairs.
She looked at me and fixed my hair,"Did Lola tell you your going to her school?"
I nodded my head and messed my hair up again.

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