Oh Shit

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London POV
I got to the restaurant and hid behind the corner. We were surrounded by an outside mall but the restaurant was at the edge. The neon sign for the place turned red when I got close. So the red hue was casted across the pavement and trash can. I checked the time was 10pm. Then I saw them walk out of the place.

I creeped to the trash can and watched them. They were smiling and laughing. Half of them had masks on. That bitch almost tripped and Oliver caught her. And they stared at each other. I felt myself rise in anger. Although she was wearing a mask I saw her side profile and noticed that she had bangs.. Hero doesn't have bangs?

They were by the parking lot so I moved behind a random car. One test.

I texted Hero...

Hey where are you rn?

I looked up to her if she got my message, but the girl was already in Oliver's car.

Boba Buddy
I'm at home?? About to go to sleep? You?

I called her. She picks up after two or three rings. I heard the door shut.

"Hello?" She answered slowly.

"Oh shit sorry I didn't mean to call you. Good night bb!" I hung up. I got up and walked to my car on the other side of the parking lot.

Hero POV
After Ty, Kane, Justin, Oliver was in the car I answered the phone. She hung up pretty quickly. I didn't know what was going on. I looked around, and I spotted someone walking away, towards the other side of the parking lot. ..long blonde hair. She turned around for a split second. It looked like London, looking back at our car.

The final little red light bulb went off.

I had an off feeling and so did Justin who was also in the car with us but he didn't know why.

"Bro I just got the chills. Hey Ty, I don't think we should come back here." Justin broke the silence.

I just nodded and agreed. I looked over at Oliver. He wore a dark expression, I knew he saw her too.

At the bar me and Oliver tried to shake the bad vibe we got and danced together. We took pictures and random funny videos on my phone, I didn't have any intention of posting them.

"Dude we have the same phone, but yours is bluee!" Oli pointed out.

"Oh hey we do! Do you wanna trade sim card covers?" We were both buzzed as heck. But we had fun.

In the end I'm worried about my identity being leaked and having someone who is obsessed with Oliver being so close to him because of me.

It just didn't sit right anymore. We are grown, and those messages are awfully similar to how London texts. I have to find out. Tomorrow.

London POV
I got home 45 mins later. I opened my Twitter to find a picture of Oliver and Hero who now had bangs dancing together at a bar. I blacked out. I knew it.

The next day, Hero.
I got up early, I knew I had to find out for sure, I was buzzed so maybe it was just my brain playing treats on me. I got dressed and headed downstairs. To eat something before going out and get some shopping done. Oliver and Reige's birthday was coming up; they were turning 22.

Kane was already downstairs and making his protein shake before hitting the gym. We talked a bit about our day ahead.

"I know Oliver and Reige's birthdays are coming up, what days exactly?" I asked.

Kane took a slip, " Oli's March 7th and Reige's February 23rd. Why do you ask?" He took another slip. He reminded me of my dad when he drank coffee in the morning.

"Ugh, Pisces men. Oh snap so Reiges' is like in a few days. Oh no real reason, I just wanted to get them something. Ima go to the mall i'll be back by like 1" I popped a raspberry.

"When is your birthday?" He stole a few berries from my bowl.

"0115 I'm a capricorn, Sagittarius rising, cancer moon." We finished our conversation and he headed out to the gym.

I took an uber to the Beverly Hills mall. It was a rather slow morning. I walked around the 1st level thinking about Oliver.

I was planning on talking with London over FaceTime later that night.


Hey, I want to talk to you.
I think that we shouldn't be friends anymore. I have noticed a few things
And I just don't feel comfortable anymore. Knowing that you are
Stalking Oliver.

Oli London wannabe
Girl, what do you mean? Are you sure you're not the one stalking oliver??
If you want to talk about this, let's talk in person i think it would be better
Plus it would give us time to think about what we are saying
I know we are both hot heads.

Fine I am at the Hills malls, text me when you're here.

I was grabbing boba from the food court walking around for inspiration. I called Candy and told her everything I was planning to say and do, of course she was on my side.

"Girl does Oliver know that London is the stalker?" Candy asked,

I sat down in the lounge area with my AirPods in. "I don't even know if she is the stalker. Remember I was basically drunk and I don't really remember last night. I know Oli saw the same person I did. And I know that she is the main suspect."

I got up and threw away my cup, "And you're going to talk with her now? Curiosity killed the cat." Candy added.

We continued to talk about the Oli-London situation, Candy had to hang up because she had to work.

At the NSB house, Oli pov
"Hey, has anybody seen Hero?" I shouted while walking down the stairs.

Kane looked around and then up at me "I thought she was back already? Her car is here."

"When did she say she'd be back?" Manager Ty walked in holding a folder.

"Your girlfriend said 1pm" Kane replied in a girly tone returning to his phone.

"No dating the editors" Ty left that room again.

"Maybe she took an uber. And she's not my girlfriend." I added. I took a seat and one by one the other members came down for a meeting. It wasn't anything serious, just brainstorming ideas.

But I did want to talk with her, about a few things..

At the mall, Hero,
I was at some random stationary store when I got the text that London was outside. I put my phone in the front part of my purse and ran out to the car. She was waiting for me at the side of the mall where there was a crosswalk and bushes and a few palm trees.

The was partly cloudy and the air quality seemed to be great. However. It felt like smoke was surrounding me. I could barely breathe.

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