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When I got in her car the tension was high between us. I felt like she knew what I was gonna say.

"So how do you like the weather?" She broke first.

I just took a breath, "Oh you know, it's the same as usual. I like it though." I peered out the window and spotted a single cloud in the sky. My gut was saying to run. But I pushed it away mainly because there is no way this 20 something year old is actually delusional. She needed to be checked.

"Let's play some music," she said as we came up to the red light and she grabbed her phone to play something. I noticed how sweaty she was. There were sweat prints on the steering wheel where her hands rested.

"Where are we going? That park you showed me?" I asked her. We typically hung out at a public place mainly because we only knew each other for basically 3 weeks.

Still looking at the road ahead, "We are going to my place. The view is crazy nice for the amount I pay." I looked over at her. Now I was warning what she did for work. I knew she was a part time vendor, but I had no idea what she did outside of that.

"Oh, fun, what part of the city do you live in?" I took note that she had a tattoo on the right side of her neck. Her hair was pulled up and she was wearing sweats and a blue crop top. Because of her shirt I couldn't see the whole thing. It kind of looked tribal?

She was starting to tap on her dashboard with her long pointer figure. "More south LA." She continued to lightly tap. The rest of the car ride was quiet, just the sound of the radio and the tapping coming from her figure.

We started to approach her apartment complex. It was huge.. We pulled in the driveway and went underground.

Standing in the elevator was rough, it was eerily quiet. We got off at her floor. It felt as if every time I took a step closer, my heartbeat became louder, and more intense.

"Welcome to mi casa!" Said London. Unlocking her door, it was simple and plain.

She gestured for me to walk in first. "Thanks for having me over. I needed to talk to you."

"Yeah same here, let me grab you a drink. Do you want wine or something stronger?" She walked over to the kitchen

Her apartment didn't feel comfortable. It was the opposite. Very cold, it reminded me of what Oliver said about her having icy hands. The walls were plain jane and white. She had one bookshelf in the living room and a TV with a stand. Most of her furniture was black but the coach was a blue gray. To the right side of her apartment was a black square dining table with the windows overlooking the view of LA.

I stood in the middle of her living room, "Something strong, I'll call an uber I guess." I answered. The air felt really hard to breathe. I began to sweat more. I had an even more intense feeling about this, but my curiosity was telling me to stay.

Still standing, London walked over with two drinks in her hands. "Please sit down, Here," She handed me a drink, "Tell me if you like it." I grabbed the drink and thanked her.

"So I have noticed a few things here and there.." I started the conversation, I took another slip of the Vesper. " And it's leaving me to believe that you are stalking Oliver.." I looked into her eyes. I didn't see the lights in her eyes anymore.

"Maybe YOU should explain herself first. Hero," Her eyes were like daggers, piercing through my soul. "Your face from last night was plastered all over twitter." I took a long sip of my drink as she asked.

Twitter? Oh no,

"I am not here to explain myself or the people I know. However, I am here to see what you have to say for yourself." I shift my body to face her on the coach.

Her face seemed to get more and more pink with anger. "There was a video of you and Oliver last night. Oliver OLIVER! THE MAN I LOVE. THE ONLY PERSON I CARE ABOUT. And YOU KNEW it. I DO NOT want to admit that it was you in the photos. My BEST FRIEND." Her tears started to form in her eyes.

I held my blank expression. "Look at me in my eyes and tell me that you haven't emailed Oliver and the boys THAT creep shit. YOU TELL ME ABOUT ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE DONE TO OLIVER. You need to come to your senses. You aren't some 12 year old fan girl that comments on his posts. You are a woman in her 20's being a stalker. YOU ARE COMMITING CRIMES RIGHT NOW. Don't you see how twisted you are?" I stood up and finished my drink, placing the glass on the marble coffee table.

She stood up too. "I AM NOT A CRIMINAL. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY LOVE. How could YOU keep me from the love of my lif-"

"HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW YOU LONDON." I said as I threw one hand to my head. "Tell me right now. Are you the one who is stalking NSB." We still haven't broken eye contact. "LOVE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THAT."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT LOVING OLIVER LOOKS LIKE? Do you love him!? DO YOU?!" London and I both froze. I never wanted to admit that. never. 

"YOU DO" London screamed as she pointed to me. 

"I do not have to answer you. you have no idea what love is. and you obvious don't know how to even have a friend." I replied.

Although she was taller than me I towered over her. I was so upset in that moment the only thing I could do was stare into her icy eyes hoping for a clue. Anything to say that she wasn't completely insane but all I saw in her eyes was desperation, and greed. I got my answer before she could say anything.

"I guess you are. Stay away from me." I said to her. As I grabbed my bag, my head felt dizzy. I passed it up to not eating that much before drinking. "Delete my number, forget I ever knew you freak."

I took small steps towards the door as I looked for my phone. Shit did I drop it somewhere? My body was heavy. The world around me became more and more blurry. I was using all my power to get to the door but I wasn't moving. I felt my anxiety appear for the first time today.

"Oh baby you aren't going anywhere.." London giggled out loud. I fell to the floor. I tried so hard to crawl.

"What did you do.." I couldn't even finish my sentence before I felt a pain on my side. I let out a yell. She had kicked me causing me to fly on my back with a loud thump. I stared to see holes in my vision the real panic sat in, Oliver I am sorry, Candy, Em, I am so sorry. I felt more kicks to my stomach before passing out completely.


I saw her unconscious body laying there. She was the only thing that was keeping me and Oliver from being together. I tied her up and dragged her to my closet. I laughed out loud.

I sat down on my couch and turned on the TV. What did I do?

I felt nothing. 

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