Chapter 2: Denial

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Mothers POV:

I was shocked from what Eoin is saying. Can what Eoin be saying really true? Does my family really need to move to the Colonies? I look at Eoin very carefully, studying his facial expressions. I then notice the fear in his eyes that would make what he is saying to be true. I sigh while relaxing my posture.

"Okay, even if what you are saying to be true. How is my family suppose to make it to the Colonies?! We have no boat" I whisper yelled to insure that my husband and Ciara does not wake up.

"Oh I have that taken care of. A couple of the neighbors and I bought a boat together and we are going around the neighborhood to see who would all wants to go with us" He shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably and I still keep a stern look. I then look to the ground and start thinking. Should I really trust him? If he is telling the truth, I would love to have ownership of my land and be free so to speak. I sigh once again, knowing my decision may come to haunt me.

"Ok fine, we will leave at sunset tonight" Eoin nods his head and turns on his heel and runs towards the group of neighbors. I turn around and I go inside the house to be face to face with my husband.

"Oh hey honey! I thought you were still asleep" I nervously say to him and I try to avert my eyes.

"I was sleeping till I heard Eoin. What is going on, Eileen?!" I flinch at the tone of voice from my husband. He never calls me by my real name, had I upset him? Without much thought, I told exactly what Eoin had told me. My husband in response looked to be mad

"Do you really think what that man is saying is the truth?! You are just in denial about this whole thing!! There is nothing waiting for us at the Colonies, Eileen. I cant believe you would actually believe such a man like him." He then gets closer to me, but before he could say or doing anything else. Ciara walks in, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Ciara must have woken up...

Ciara's POV

I look at my mother and father, noticing that his posture looks to be on the tenser side and his fist looks to be clinched.

"What is going on?" I yawn tiredly and I see my mom walking backwards a bit, then looks at me.

"Oh I was just talking to your father about-" my mother gets cut off by some of our neighbors bursting through the door.

"Guys we have to go NOW!!" I hear Eoin from outside yell. We all didn't have time to react when we were practically dragged along. During this time I was very confused on what is happening. Why are we moving quickly? Did we do something wrong? Why was father yelling at mother....while having his fist clinched...

I guess time had flown by because when I looked up once again, I was met with a dock and tied at the end was a beautiful wooden boat.

"Why are we even here in the first place?" I finally said out loud and our neighbors turned to me and then my parents with a confused look on their faces.

"Eileen you didn't tell your husband and daughter about what is happening right now?!" Wait what is happening? Mother knew something? I looked at my mother in shock and I felt worried about what is happening

"Yes Aine, I did tell Ronan what was happening, but" She then cut herself off and I noticed a hint of fear flashed before her eyes. Did father say or do something to mother? "After I told Ronan, I hadn't had the chance to tell Ciara about it" My mother looked down, almost ashamed of herself. A couple of our neighbors went to comfort my mother while Eoin and some other neighbors tell me what was happening. I step back due to shock. I cant believe this is happening...I love Ireland, I will miss it, but I guess this is for the better though...

After we had all had settled down, we all walked aboard the boat and our pilot (or captain) sailed us at sea, next destination, the Colonies...

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