Chapter 9: The Plan

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I walked over to the front, wondering whom is at the door. I open the door and I find one of the ladies in our village. I believe her name is Lily. 

"Hi Lily, what brings you over here?" I nervously laugh, and I quickly notice that Lily was not laughing in response. "Everything okay?" 

"I don't know you tell me! My husband said that you kissed him earlier today and you tried to kill him, while he was being locked up in his room!" She angrily yells at me. My eyes widen in shock. I did not try to kill him! Hell! I did not even kiss him!

"Ma'am, I think you got this all wrong. I did NOT kiss your husband. In fact, he was the one wondering where Aine and I were earlier and when we explained to him, he grabbed my wrists and Aine and I ran away, him following us. We locked the door and he tried breaking the door down!! He is lying, Lily! You have to believe me!" Lily looks away for a second, thinking to herself. She looks back at me and sighs. 

"Okay, I believe you. But if I ever catch you doing something, ANYTHING. Hell will break lose." After she had said that Lily walked away. I sigh in relief, rubbing the sweat off of my face, thankful that Lily believed me. But when I turned to go back inside, I saw Aiden in the distance, looking at me. He had what looked to be anger and malice in his eyes. I quickly turn away from him, walking inside. 

"Are you okay, Ciara?" Aine asked me when I closed the front door. I nod my head and I explain everything that happened outside with Lily. Everything except Aiden. I don't want Aine to be worried about me...maybe I should lie to her when she asks me about Aiden.

"By the way, Ciara. Was Aiden out there by chance?" I look Aine in the eyes and I immediately notice the fear in her eyes. It saddens me when I see that. Telling her about Aiden may make it worse and I do not want that

"I did not see Aiden out there, Aine. Do not worry, everything is fine." Aine nods her head towards me, and we sit down in the chairs, and we talk about random things that had come to mind. There was a couple of times where Zen came to the conversation. Whenever Aine would mention Zen, she would almost say it in a teasing manner and slightly smirks. In response I would just laugh and smile it off. I hadn't realized how long we have been talking until I yawned out of nowhere, signaling that I was tired. Aine then yawns immediately after me, and we both burst into a fit of laughter. We both got up from we were sitting, and we head into our rooms, going to go to sleep.

Aiden's POV:

I look through the window, seeing the two girls going to bed. I can't help but think how beautiful they are. They are even more beautiful than my own wife. I guess foreign ladies are naturally beautiful

I smirk to myself, wanting to get them two alone together. I continue to watch them when I hear a sudden noise. I crouch behind the bushes, listening to whomever is coming

"Where is Zen?! He is supposed to be back by now!!"

"Maybe he is doing something, you know how he is with humans"

"Well, more specific, the woman with brown hair and blue eyes"

"Yeah, it would be better if he told us her name...he is so fucking cold-hearted sometimes."

"That is true, but he is a great fighter and behavioralist" With that, the two people walk away. I slowly get up from the bushes and I start wondering who they were. Then, a sudden realization hits me. One of them said 'a woman with brown hair and blue eyes' that is Ciara. 

I then smirk to myself, thinking of an idea that involves Ciara and Zen. I carefully get out of the bushes, and I walk towards my wife, who was next to a fire that. I sit next to her. Lily looks back at me with a small smile on her face.

"Where were you darling?" She wraps her arms around me, and she lays her head on my shoulder

"Oh me? I was just taking care of some stuff that I needed to do. But don't worry, darling...everything we will be coming to plan real soon" Lily gives me a questioning look, but soon shrugs her shoulders, and she goes back to enjoying the fire. But what she did not see was my sadistic smirk of what m plan is going to be.

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