Chapter 8: Suspicious

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"Where have you been?" Aiden says in a serious tone. Aine and I look at each other, confused on what was happening.

"We were just talking with the townspeople, Aiden. Why are you so concerned about that?" Aine then says. Aiden in response, glares at us and walks over towards us.

"Don't fucking lie to me! You were hanging around!!" We both taken back from what he had said. Monster? Is he talking about Zen? But he can't be...Zen is not a monster

"What are you talking about!! Zen is not a monster, he is very nice, caring, and helpful! NOT a monster!!" I slightly push Aine out of the way, so that I am now in front of Aiden. He walks even closer to me, and I feel a tug at my sleeve, it was Aine, I glance over at her and she has a worried look in her eyes. I give her a reassuring smile and I look back at Aiden. "Besides, why are you even concerned about where we even go! You have a lover for crying out loud!" Anger is boiling up in me He is acting weird! Why does he care about where we go anyways!

"Having a lover has nothing to do with this! Besides, have you not noticed that he is named after a fucking demon! A DEMON!!" He harshly grabs both of my wrists and I hear Aine screaming at him to let me go. I struggle in his grasp. I stop struggling and I try to think of a method to get out of this. Aiden looks me in the eyes "You know your father was right about you, Ciara. You are impulsive and you are a disappointment. Man, I can't imagine what it must have felt like when you realized what your mother did, you must have been so upset with her, or was it that you-" In spite I spit in his face and in response, Aiden then lets me go. Grabbing Aine's hand, we ran inside the house, immediately going to my room. I quickly grab my dresser and desk, to block the door, so Aiden can't come in.

We sit down in front of the blocked door, praying to God that he wouldn't come in and we would be okay. Seconds later, we hear footsteps running towards us. Aine and I held both of our breathes, afraid if what might happen next. Aiden starts banging on the to get in.

"Open the door, NOW!! You can't hide in there for long, ladies!" Aiden yells from the outside and I place my hands over my ears, to block out the noise. I hear Aine yelling to Aiden to leave us alone, but the banging continues.

"You two need to learn a lesson!! Do you not realize whose house you are in!? MINE!! So, you both belong to ME!!" The banging finally stopped, but Aine and I were too afraid to open the door because we do not know if he is still outside the door. We both just sat around, huddled up, watching and listening to the door

—Time Skip—

It has been a couple of hours now and Aine and I have not moved from our spot, too afraid to move.

"Do you think he is gone, Ciara?" Aine says from behind me.

"I think he is gone now, I haven't heard any movement, Aine" Great, he probably left to tell the whole town what the hell had happened. I sigh while standing back up and moving the the dresser and the desk. Aine helped me moved them away from the door. We both look at each other, nodding to one another. I carefully put my hand on the doorknob and I swiftly opened it. I walked out of the room and I investigated the house from where I could see. Aiden is not here...good

I look back at Aine, signaling her that Aiden is no where is sight. With that, Aine walks out of the room and we both head to the kitchen, making ourselves some food to eat. I hadn't realized how hungry I was, until I hate some bread and meat. Hopefully we can both relax and settle down from what happened hours before. But, my thoughts get interrupted with the front door knocking

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