Backup Babysitter

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So a couple days ago I made a post asking for short story ideas, which I was going to try to write in one day. This was submitted by @candythepuppy, and I did write it in one day! More like half a day. I was ambitious.

It's not quite as long as I hoped for, but a good start. If you have an idea for a Minecraft one shot/short story, send it over! I'm trying to branch out a bit :)


Backup Babysitter

2347 words


"And when exactly did I agree to this?"

"I don't recall giving you the choice." Notch set down a duffel bag on the floor, blue with white polka dots. "His regular caregiver is on emergency leave, and I need to run a summit in two hours."

"Oh yes, the almighty Notch, passer of the buck." Herobrine folded his arms crossly over his pressed jacket. "And why am I your next choice?? I don't even know what to do with it!"

"It has a schedule which I have written for you, all you have to do is follow it." Notch lowered his son down beside the bag, who stood there looking alarmed for a moment. The child had huge, sparkling blue eyes, which gazed around the richly-decorated room in wonder.

"So you don't trust me with a position in your congress, but you trust me with your firstborn son?" Herobrine sniffed. "I'm still upset I wasn't invited to the wedding."

"We've been over this, Herobrine, I am not married. If he was my biological son, he would more than likely be sporting a pair of these." Notch lifted one stately wing. "And I trust you well enough to know the consequences if anything should happen to Stephen." Herobrine muttered a choice word. "And watch your language."

"Fine." The prince's gaze dropped to the child again, who was wandering towards the wall to look at a shiny accent. "What am I supposed to feed it??"

"I told you already, his schedule is in the bag." Notch turned towards the door, cape sweeping grandly behind him. "I'll see you at sundown."

"Notch! I don't even like children!"

"He's a very well-mannered child, Herobrine, I'm sure even you will be able to handle him."

"But-" And he was already gone. Heaving a sigh, Herobrine shot a withering look at the toddling child before he reached down, pulling the duffel bag open and collecting the piece of paper just inside. He skimmed over the schedule, written in Notch's neat handwriting, then let the paper burst into flame in his hands.

"Show him." He muttered to himself as the schedule dissolved into ashes. He turned to the child again, whose wide eyes were now focused on him. "Stephen, hmm? Well Stephen, today's going to be on my terms." The child blinked once.

"Whe's Nahna?" Stephen's babbling speech was almost incomprehensible.

"Assuming you refer to my brother, he's left you in my capable hands until sundown. Whenever that is." He added in a lower tone. Notch had a tendency to refer to the daylight cycle of the overworld, one that Herobrine only rarely bore witness to due to his residence in the hellish dimension of the Nether. When his words were met only with confusion, he reiterated. "He went to work. He'll be back later."

"Oh." Stephan swung his arms, gazing around his uncle's chambers. The room he stood in served as Herobrine's lounge, which was rudely intruded upon by Notch several minutes before. Ordinarily, he would receive visitors here, or simply let his day pass. It was ornately decorated, as fitting for the Prince of the Nether. The child seemed interested only in a few figurines on a shelf.

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