Sehun - Angry - Part 2

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You woke next to Sehun, once more. His arms ended up around your waist through the night, hugging you to his chest like a teddy bear. You attempted to wiggle out, succeeding and plopping your feet on the floor.

Your footsteps echoed through the hallway, along with Sehun's snores. You glanced to the couch and noticed the blanket still spread across it, pillow at the arm of the couch.

"Jagi~" You heard Sehun call from the bedroom. You rolled your eyes and groaned under your breath. Pretending you didn't hear him, you kept to what you were doing in the first place.

You took a cup of 버블티 (Bubble Tea) out of the cabinet but were stopped when you felt Sehun's large, muscular arms around your waist, squeezing the air out of you. He kissed the back of your neck softly, alternating to a small suck, then a nip.

You sucked in and pushed him off of you, continuing to make your 버블티. "Isn't that one mine?" He said in an annoyed tone, returning the attitude. You shrugged and walked into the living room with your tea.

You plopped down on the couch, turning the TV to the news channel. Sehun sat on the other side of the couch, far from you. The weather ended and a picture of the back of Sehun pinning a girl to the wall by a club and kissing her. The caption read: "Sehun cheating at Club Exotic?"

Your blood boiled and you slammed your cup of 버블티 on the coffee table, shooting up and running for the bathroom, slamming the door behind you and sliding down, your face in your hands. You began to sob silently.

Every time you saw that scene, it made you die inside. To think he would lie to you just to go out, get drunk and suck face with another girl?

You listened as Sehun knocked on the bathroom door. "Yeobo.." He said softly. There was a pause, a few more knocks, then his voice again. "Open up.." He said softly, a crack in his voice.

"Leave my alone." You tried to say with a normal tone but ended up sobbing it out. "Can we just talk?" He said again, wriggling the door knob.

You sighed and wiped the tears off your cheeks with the back of your hand, standing up and opening the door.

You saw Sehun standing, tears down the side of his face and his dark brown hair ruffled from a nights sleep. He was wearing a large grey t-shirt and light grey sweatpants.

You couldn't stop yourself from throwing yourself at him and wrapping your arms around him, squeezing and sobbing into his chest.

He almost immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in. Once you had calmed a bit, he cupped your face and tilted it to look at his. He stared right through your eyes.

"I love you, you know that? I may seem like a jerk sometimes but that's just me. I have my flaws and I'm human, too. You can't be perfect without making mistakes, right? The weird thing is, you have no flaws to me. You are so perfect. More perfect than anyone I have ever met. Your flaws in my eyes are the most perfect part of you. That girl was a slut that had pulled me into her trap. Chanyeol had pushed me to go clubbing after dance practice and I told him that I had you to get to. He pushed and pushed and I gave in. I had one drink, ONE, and I was flipped." He tried to explain. You smiled and shoved yourself into his chest.

"I love you, Sehun." You laughed into his shirt.

Suddenly, you felt yourself being lifted up, over Sehun's shoulder. You laughed and hit his back.

"Nope." He chuckled, his deep voice causing your heart to skip a beat. "You're all mine today. Cancel your plans because all we are doing all day is staying in bed and cuddling."

"No sex?"

"No sex."

You fake cried. "What changed the Oh Sehun I used to know?"

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