13 - battle of the boys

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"Orientation for the internship was absolutely amazing! I met so many people and learned so many things."

"That's great babe." Aaron says as he takes a forkful of noodles into his mouth.

It was the day after my training at Acme and I was out eating dinner with Aaron.

"But you'll never believe who I ran into at the office?"


"Dominic! He was there for an interview." I lie, remembering our agreement. "He gave me a ride home after work and-"

"You rode home with Dominic?" He asks, cutting me off. I nod, twirling my noodles on my fork before putting it in my mouth. "Is that why you didn't call me yesterday?"

"Well not necessarily. I got in late and-"

"I don't want you hanging around Dominic anymore." He says sternly.

I raise a brow, "Excuse me?"

"Is that a problem?"

"First I need you to stop cutting me off. And secondly, when did you start telling me who I can and cannot hang out with?"

"Since you became my girl?"

"I don't ever remember you asking me to be your girl?"

He scoffs, "Then what the fûck have we been doing for the past few weeks?" I shrug nonchalantly. "Fine, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks in annoyance.

I furrow my brows, "Are you really asking me to be your girlfriend right now? Just so you can tell me to stop hanging around Dominic?" I scoff angrily as I stand up, "Call me when you get out of the 1950s jackass." I throw my napkin on the table before getting up.

I heard him sigh tiredly from behind me as I left the booth. He wasn't even going to chase me either? Men these days just don't know what women want.

I get outside and pull out my phone, ready to call for an Uber. What a jackass! Thinking he can decide who I can and can't talk to. He didn't even ask he just demanded I stop talking to Dominic.

Plus I didn't want to stop hanging out with him. We weren't doing anything wrong? I haven't even kissed him since the last time we hooked up. Sure I thought about it sometimes but I never acted on it.

See if Aaron knew my full history with Dominic I would understand. But he doesn't and is just trying to be controlling.

"Ami come on." A voice says from behind me. Aaron was walking up to me from the restaurant.

I roll my eyes, "Go away control freak."

"I'm sorry. Let me drive you home."

I sigh, closing the Uber app. "If this is going to work you cannot try to boss me around."

"I know and I'm sorry. I just don't like Dominic, and I don't like how he looks at you."

I quirk my brow, "How does he look at me?"

His jaw clenches, "In an unfriendly manner."

"Well, he and I are just friends, barely. He gives me rides occasionally and he's my neighbor, that's it."

"Are you sure?"

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