Chapter 1

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Hello.. my name is Louis Tomlinson and I'm 16 and in high school. School isn't the perfect place for me to be, but my dad Mike forces me to go. So I do what he says. I wish my school life was a bit better and my home life. The jocks are always and constantly picking on me. Why me? I keep asking myself, then my best bud Andy doesn't stand beside me like he should. I don't think he's a friend that's when I found out he'd been accepted in the football team. So now he picks on me. Getting beatings from them isn't the best, since I get them at home from Mike. Ha.. I just wished my mum hadn't died from a brain trauma, so that Mike doesn't beat me senseless. ~*~ "Louis you better hurry you're sorry arse up!" Mike yells from living room. "OK OK!" I say back. I wrap the bandage around the spot where Mike recently swung at me. I put my shirt on slip on my boots and crap the rest of my things and head downstairs. "Louis, gimme another beer." I hear Mike grunt. I walk to the fridge grab a cold beer, open it and hand it to Mike. "I'm going to school Dad." I say over my shoulder. "Yeah yeah who gives a fuck." I start to walk down the path and put my headphones in and listen to Damien Rice. My feet crunches over the layer of snow. I think about Mum. "Hey Lou!" A female voice scares me. I turn to see Trina. I take the headphones out. "Hey Trina." I give a half smile. "So how is things at home?" She asked. One thing about Trina is that she knows what I'm going through. And knows when I'm lying about whatever happened between me and Mike. "Nothing really. I'm happy Mike hasn't swung at me yet." I chuckle a little. "That's good. Have you talk to Mum yet or Phoebe?" He asked. I shake my head no. I haven't talked or seen my sisters since my mum's death. "Oh well... I'll see you in fifth period." Trina says and heads off to Math. I goto my locker and get my books and stuff for History. "Oh look it's Little Girl Louise." I hear the jocks snicker. I sigh. 'Another day another beating.' I thought. I turn around and I see the whole football team. "Hey lookie here! It's Piggy!" The one with blonde hair says. They all start to laugh at me. I bow my head and let them pick on me. It's gonna be no use in fighting in back. "Hehe how's your boyfriend Erik?" The one with black quiff. "He's not my boyfriend..." I mumble. "What was that little girl?" I hear one of them say. The next thing is that I'm kicked in the stomach and punched in the face. The captain pulls my hair. "No one asked you to speak did they arsehole? Didn't think so." He let go of my hair. "C'mon and let's leave that lil pussy alone." I'm trembling all over. I struggle to get up. "Oh my God Louis!" I hear Mrs. Anderson call my name. "No.. no Mrs. Anderson I'm... fine.." I say to her. "No you aren't, we are going to nurse. No if's and's or but's." She helped me up. God why is my life complicated?

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