Chapter 3

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When Louis left I couldn't get the image of the big bruise on the side of his stomach. It looked bigger. 'It's Ok I'm used to it.' He told me. I left the bathroom as well. After Math I met up with boys. "So did you give Louise a good punch?" Liam asked. I had to lie and I couldn't tell them what actually happen. "Yeah I gave him a good hit in the chest." I lied. They all laughed and gawked. After school I took a ride with Phoebe. "Where's Louis?" She asked. "Piggy? He's walking with his nerd friend." I told her. "Oh.." She said and drove off. I'm still wondering what caused the other bruises on Louis. Maybe something at home wasn't right. We arrived at Phoebe's house. It was big compared to mine. "Oh my dad, Mike, ignore him. He isn't to well... so me and Lou doesn't pay attention to him." Phoebe informed me. "Ok whatever." I said. We got out and walked up path. We entered the house. I smelled sweet lavender and honey. " C'mon we're going to my room." Phoebe tugged on my arm. I followed her up to her room. "I will be right back I have to check on Louis." She said. I didn't stay in her room I followed. Louis was in his room on his bed listening to music. Ed Sheeran and Damien Rice. He looked up. "Hi Phoebes and Harry." He half smiled. I waved. Me and Phoebe went back to her room. It feels like something is pulling me into their family secrets.

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