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Ok so I read my story and it turns out.. wait for it... wait for it...


I'm pissed off that when I rewrote it, the parts are in the WRONG CHAPTER!! PEOPLE ARE NOW CONFUSED!! Uggghhh!!!!! I'm gonna cancel this story and start a new one! I'm gonna a start another Larry Stylinson one it's gonna really good to where you wanna tell people on Instagram, Facebook, Movellas, etcetera etcetera! Then I'm write one about Ziall Halik(lol) and it's where Zayn is crunkcore and stuff! But anywho back to the main point! Yes I need to cancel this story! it's been really good so far but once my mum took my phone and deleted the app.. everything went wrong! so farewell... bye IM USED TO IT!!! IM SORRY!! *le cries*



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